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Handi MDS: Lucie Nolet from on the podium of the first edition of the Handi MDS

“My adventure at Hand MDS has just ended with this third and final 25km stage, which we were able to share with the able-bodied. It was a magnificent and extraordinary adventure that I will never forget.” explains Lucie Nolet

Since this Monday, October 12, the 3rd edition of MDS Maroc has started but also the first edition of Handi MDS. On this occasion, ten teams made up of three people (one person in a wheelchair and two accompanying people) participated in this adventure in the desert.

Among them, a woman from , Lucie Nolet, aged 30, a former handball player, who following a life accident, has been practicing wheelchair basketball for six years within the JDA Dijon Basket Fauteuil. A French international, she decided to embark on the adventure of the Handi MDS which she succeeded brilliantly since she finished 3rd in this first edition.

Accompanied by her brother Flavien and her sister-in-law, Claire, Lucie finished this first edition of the Handi MDS in 3rd place. The team completed the 51km proposed in 3 stages over 4 days in 20h15’35” (cumulative time for the 3 participants). They finished 5h41’38” behind the leaders.

“My adventure at Hand MDS has just ended with this third and final stage of 25km, which we were able to share with the able-bodied. We had the same route, namely 24.8km to cover for 131m of D+. It was really great. I had a great adventure, full of exchanges, meetings and a good sporting challenge. We managed to finish all the stages. We had rain, wind, and some paths were complicated with sand. , the stones, the dunes But, we surpassed ourselves, and with the help of the other competitors, we were able to pass very technical places, especially on the last stage. I am very happy to have been able to live this experience as a family. , and I am very proud of my two teammates because they had a big charge with the chair. To sum up, it was a magnificent and extraordinary adventure that I will never forget.
As for the participants of the MDS Maroc, the Handi MDS took place in three stages with two days of racing, one day of break and one day of racing. The route was designed for disabled teams with the aim of staying as close as possible to the classic route to experience the race with the other competitors, while avoiding portions of dunes where the sand is too deep to keep time objectives realistic. . Check Points have been installed at regular intervals along the route to refresh and rest. WCs have been provided at the Check Points (tarpaulin + commode).

The Handi MDS is a team effort. Each teammate had to be able to participate in the effort. The chairs loaned for the race have wheels with handrails to allow the seated competitor to push. Everything is done to make the race feasible. But the MDS remains a demanding sporting adventure. Particularly for disabled teams, given the constraints of the terrain. For it to take place in the best conditions, the teammates had to be in a physical condition which would allow them to make the necessary efforts in the steepest and sandiest passages.
A wheelchair was loaned to each team. It has a hoop at the back for easier pushing and a comfortable seat. It is equipped with cross wheels, spare wheels, inner tubes, a harness and ropes to allow teammates to accompany the effort.

Everything has been done to ensure optimal accessibility and autonomy for competitors in wheelchairs on the bivouac. The PMR “sanitary” tents were equipped with shower benches (adjustable height) and access to water (non-potable). Commode chairs without wheels were installed in the toilets (adjustable height).


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