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Cycling. Chronicle – Marc Fayet: “Pogacar? Merckx Syndrome, Armstrong Trauma…”

Obviously, you liked the mood posts of Marc Fayet in 2023, so we put it back for 2024! You were able to discover it and read it on Cyclism’Actuwith his column or rather his section “The secret notebooks“, with a new episode which returns to the suspicions of dopage surrounding the performancesances and domination of Tbye Pogacar during a historic 2024 season. As a reminder, Marc Fayetborn in 1961, is a man of the theater and the stage. Actor and director, but also cycling enthusiast, Marc has always been involved: he writes, comments, acts as much as he can in cycling, particularly on the Tour of Finistère of which he is today and since 2021, the president of the organizing committee. Marc Fayet and “its” secret notebooksit can now be found regularly on Cyclism’Actu.

Video – Tadej Pogacar still invincible on the Tour of Lombardy

“Merckxism Syndrome” and “Armstrongian Trauma”

All behavioral, psycho-sociological and neurological studies will confirm that the cycling spectator is eternally dissatisfied. The reason for this state is now known, it is the result of the association of two serious pathologies, one called “Merckxism Syndrome” and the other baptized “Traumatism Armstronguien”. The first named, inherited from the time in the last century when there was a famous cannibal who left only a few crumbs of trials for his adversaries (especially those in which he did not participate) and the second, following the undivided reign of a serial cheater American who succeeded in deceiving his world for fifteen seasons.

From these two eras was first born among the reporters-rapporteurs a prose based on the expression of a weariness of having to relate day after day, week after week and season after season the same story each time invariably beginning with “Suddenly Merckx accelerated and let go of his last escape companions.” We can understand that the man of the pen, constantly needing to renew his writing, found himself completely hampered once he had exhausted all possible adjectives and superlatives and especially after having always written the same noun with which they were associated. For the other case, he mainly came from the cycling world itself when few runners, managers, followers were fooled by the extraordinary imposture that this authentic godfather had established, having corrupted all the world’s sporting and political authorities.

These two illnesses prevent us from properly savoring the advent of the greatest cycling champion in the world.

It would therefore seem that in 2024, these two dormant diseases suddenly emerge to become one and would affect the entire cycling universe, preventing us from properly enjoying the advent of the greatest world cycling champion. It is true that the boy who smiles while pedaling has a disconcerting ease in exercising his sport which resembles a game much more than a challenge. It is also true that when he decides to leave, the journalists cannot do anything other than repeat the formula of their predecessors of the last century: “Suddenly Pogacar accelerated and let go of his last escape companions”. What can we also say about the supremacy of a team set up with Emirati funds on the basis of a former Italian team which had many unsavory affairs within it and whose current manager is considered to be one of the most notable thugs in sport? cyclist?

Finally, it is true that young Pogi comes from a very small country quite far from us, whose culture and habits we do not really know, with the only favorable advantage being its opposition to belligerent Russia and its very focused on ecology enhanced by the exceptional beauty of its nature. However, nothing prevents us from appreciating the extraordinary spectacle of this brilliant runner, capable of inspirations and crazy aspirations, of mind-boggling rides, of fabulous victories, of fantastic dreams. What’s more beautiful than a runner with perfect style and natural elegance? What could be more admirable than these swallowed monuments, these digested towers, these annihilated oppositions?

There is good in this double syndrome… Among those who are disinterested in cycling!

So yes, we must recognize it, we are reduced, like everyone else, to only waiting for the moment when he has decided to leave alone, because we know that there is no doubt about his strategy which is one without being one. He presses the pedals and “Goodbye!” » and such ease raises questions. The only hypothesis, the only bet worth taking and where there is perhaps still a little money to be won, is on the exact kilometer where he will place his acceleration; 30 km? 35 km? 42.23 km? But we must recognize that there are still some surprises here because remember that famous September 29 when, at a time when many were just starting their lunch, Tadej had already left 100 km from the finish.

But you should know that this double syndrome, now accepted and integrated, will have unsuspected benefits on the life of a couple and this is perhaps its greatest virtue. So I confidentially deliver this advice to the wives of cycling enthusiasts who are victims of this endemic disease: If you need your husband for housework, some miscellaneous DIY or garden maintenance, you will only have to present this deadline to him “As soon as Pogacar accelerates, you give me a hand! » and so yes, in these conditions, you will see your husband leave his screen to join you quite quickly and you can be sure to have him close to you for a good 2 or 3 hours, only giving him a coffee break, the one where he will go see the world champion alone, raise his arms and his bike at the finish line. So there is some good in this double syndrome which will perhaps have a euphoric effect… For those who are disinterested in cycling!


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