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Kylian Mbappé targeted by rape investigation in Sweden

() Kylian Mbappé is the target of an investigation by the Swedish police for “rape and sexual assault” after his visit last week to Stockholm, the daily said on Monday The Express after the French star previously denounced “fake news”.

Posted at 5:54 p.m.

According to the Swedish newspaper, the French attacker is considered “reasonably suspicious” in this investigation, the lowest level of suspicion provided for by Swedish legislation.

Asked if they were aware of a complaint against Mbappé, his entourage replied “no” to AFP.

The French super star said she was the victim of “fake news” earlier this Monday following an article in another Swedish daily, The evening paperclaiming that an investigation into rape had been opened, without mentioning the person targeted.

“FAKE NEWS!” ! ! ! It’s becoming so predictable, the day before the hearing as if by chance,” protested the Real Madrid player on the social networkThe evening paper and the hearing scheduled for Tuesday before a committee of the Professional Football League (LFP) in the financial dispute between Paris SG.

The former Parisian striker is demanding 55 million euros in unpaid wages and other bonuses from his former club.

According to The evening paperMbappé was on Thursday evening with a group of people at the Chez Jolie restaurant, an establishment in the Swedish capital, before going to the “V” club where they met other people.

The rape was allegedly committed Thursday evening “in the center of Stockholm”, according to a complaint thatThe evening paper claims to have consulted. “The police took up the complaint on Saturday after the woman sought treatment,” adds The evening paper.

“An investigation is underway into a crime which was reported on October 10 in the center of Stockholm,” the prosecutor in charge of the case told AFP without giving further details.

Also contacted by AFP, the Stockholm police wished to “neither confirm nor deny” this information.

“In general, if we have received a complaint and decided to conduct interviews and we make this known [au public]”, people involved in the case may take actions that delay and complicate the investigation,” said spokesperson Carina Skagerlind.

According to photos published by The evening paperthe police were on Monday in front of the hotel where Mbappé and his entourage were staying.

“Slanderous rumor”

Faced with the scale that this affair is beginning to take on social networks in , the player’s entourage was keen to react firmly at the start of the evening.

“Today, a new slanderous rumor begins to ignite the web from the Swedish media The evening paper », he explains in a press release sent to AFP. “These accusations are completely false and irresponsible, and their propagation is unacceptable. »

“In order to put an end to this methodical destruction of [l’]image [de Kylian Mbappé]all necessary legal actions will be taken to reestablish the truth and pursue any person or media involved in the moral harassment and defamatory treatment that Kylian Mbappé repeatedly suffers,” he warns again.

Indirectly blamed by the player in his publication on

“It’s not a good thing for the France team,” regretted coach Didier Deschamps on Monday evening after the victory in Belgium (2-1).

“I tell you again, everyone is free to write what they want, but there is a negative environment” around the Blues, continued Deschamps, asking journalists at a press conference: “Be careful when you repeat things. It’s better to take a little step back before releasing anything and everything, but it happens so many times…”


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