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in , more than 3,000 people queue for the Olympics clearance sale


Laurene Fertin

Published on

Oct. 12 2024 at 12:42 p.m

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It’s a little to foil, this Saturday, October 12 in the morning, in Rennes. We are barely engaged in Isly Streetwhich we see a crowd of people wait on the sidewalk.

A gigantic tail actually goes up to the Charles de Gaulle esplanade, a direction you Freedom.

The sale of the 2024 Olympic Games was expected in the Breton capital; but many onlookers did not expect such enthusiasm… “Honestly, how many people are there? », asks a cyclist on the fly.

3,000 fans, at least

« 3,000 to 4,000 people», replies a security guard, in front of the entrance to Liberté, where the Olympic clearance sale takes place from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

I was working last night. Some had placed their chairs at 11 p.m. in front of the room. I don’t know if they slept there, I don’t know how they did it… But they had been waiting since the evening before.

Freedom Vigil
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If some wait quietly in front of the entrance, others make their voices heard a little… Which the security guards try to calm down. “ It’s already getting annoying… ».

“People play their lives here”

Two queues have in fact formed: one, for able-bodied people, who go back to the back of the Pathé cinema in Rennes rue Yvonne Jean-Haffen; and another, reserved for disabled people, shorter certainly, but more lively.

“I didn’t wait in line for long because I have a disabled card,” explains Julie, 24 years old.

On the other hand, some who did not have the card or no valid card – I don’t really know – complained. There are people who stake their lives here (laughs).

The queue for the Paris 2024 Olympics clearance sale in Rennes goes all the way back to rue Yvonne Jean-Haffen, behind the Pathé cinema. (©Laurène Fertin – Rennes news)

In the ranks, some are hopeful : there are two or three meters left before we can (finally) return.

“We do queuing since 7 a.m. », explains Céline. With her two daughters Adèle, 10 years old, and Ninon, 13 years old, she hopes to be able to find tee-shirts and pants… “especially gymnastics”, says a big smile to Adèle, who practices this sport and who hasn’t won the Olympics all summer.

“Like a Mylène Farmer concert”

At the other end of the queue, rue Yvonne Jean-Haffen, you will surely have to wait several hoursbefore being able to pass through the gate of Liberty.

« We’ve already done worse», laugh Yannick and Émilie.

We already waited a whole day to go see a Mylène Farmer concert. It’s just like. Just wait a little.

Yannick and Emilie

10 items maximum per person

And inside Liberty, it’s a small anthill: everyone tries on items, puts them back; sneakers are tried on on the fly, ecocups are stacked, even plastic champagne glasses… Please note: there are 10 items maximum per person.

The volunteers, smiling, know that the day is going to be (a little) long… (©Laurène Fertin – news Rennes)

“I don’t look too much, I mainly came to buya bob», laughs Gregory, his hands cluttered with t-shirts. “But not sure if there’s any left.” »

On the sidevolunteers,everyone prepares to “livea marathon day.”“We started at 6 a.m., we don’t know when we’ll go to bed this evening,” smiles Anne-Sophie, volunteer and director of Sports for the City of Rennes.

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