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Top 14 – “Levan Chilachava is the team clown”: Mathieu Babillot presents the locker room

At the club since 2003, Mathieu Babillot knows Olympique perfectly. The CO captain introduces us to the Castres locker room. From the most grumpy to the most indulgent to the most greedy…

It’s never unpleasant to discover a few secrets about a Top 14 team’s locker room. This time, we’re opening the doors to the Castres Olympic locker room, with one of the blue and white bosses. Captain for many seasons of the CO and champion of in 2018, Mathieu Babillot took part in the game of “Who is the most?”. And it’s worth the detour…

Who is best dressed?

First very complicated question, and what’s more, I’m complicated at this level (laughs). A small group created an Instagram account on fashion where every Monday, they came to training with a particular outfit: Adrien Séguret, Gauthier Doubrère, Louis Le Brun, Pierre Popelin, Baptiste Delaporte and Julien Dumora. I’m going to mention them now!

Conversely, who is the worst dressed?

Easy: Loris Zarantonello! This is not possible. Both the clothing and the haircuts. Just before the match against , he gave us a sort of crest with curly hair, it looked like a dragon…

Loris Zarantonello, here against Toulouse last season.
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Who lifts the heaviest in bodybuilding?

The most impressive is Abraham Papali’i but the one who likes it the most is Baptiste Delaporte.

Who is the greediest?

It’s a duo: Levan Chilachava and Florent Vanverberghe. “Chila” is the type to eat a lot during meals while “Flo” is more for the Kinder Bueno that he eats during the day.

Who is the most complaining?

I’m the oldest and I’m aware that I can “drunk” a few from time to time. I take that one for myself. And at least I will have peace.

Who is the most disorganized?

This one is not obvious. I would say Josaïa Raisuqe. It’s always a mess with him (laughs). Whether in training or off the field.

Who is the most airheaded?

Florent Vanverberghe. He’s the type of guy to show up to rallies at the last minute having forgotten some things. He’s a bit on the Moon.

Florent Vanverberghe is considered the most airheaded in Castres by Babillot.
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Who is the coaches’ favorite?

There are two of them: Tom Staniforth and Abraham Papali’i. “Papa” is a good joke at that level.

Who is most attached to Tarn?

I’m going to say Jérémy Fernandez because he’s from Mazamet and the Black Mountain. We keep telling him that there is nothing to do at home but he is hanging on tooth and nail to defend his homeland. I reward him for that.

Who is the group’s DJ?

Here again, there are two who stand out: Pierre Popelin and Yann Peysson. They like to put on good French variety. It’s not really my style but hey… We make do with it.

The classic, who is the most party-loving?

(He hesitates) Gauthier Doubrère, that will speak to everyone (laughs). Let’s just say he never forgets one and when he’s there, he’s there until the end.

Who is the best at table tennis?

I will do it in order. Number two in the ranking is Quentin Walcker, number three Jérémy Fernandez. These are the two who play it the most as soon as we have a little break. But I think, without pretension, that I am the best. When I put my mind to it, I often win.

Who is the worst?

That’s for Théo Chabouni and Nathanaël Hulleu. It likes to play but it’s not very good.

Nathanaël Hulleu, here on the pitch in .
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Who is the most cultured?

Julien Dumora! He is the one who has the most experience and therefore the most knowledge. And what’s more, he thought so much that he lost his hair.

Who is the most talkative?

Without any possible dispute: Santiago Arata! It’s simple, it never stops. Plus, with his accent, we understand every other word when he speaks French.

Most addicted to their phone?

Levan Chilachava. So, I’m not putting it on because he plays a lot but rather because he’s always calling here and there… You arrive at 8 a.m. and you already see him on the phone with his family in Georgia.

The biggest duck?

I think I’ll quote Louis Le Brun. It’s quite recent with his girlfriend, it’s crazy love so he wins this award. On each day off, they are the type to sleep in a bubble in the middle of the forest. I think it’s cute but it’s a bit dull (laughs).

Who is the nicest?

Chilachava again! He’s the team clown. He fools everyone but the funniest thing in the end is him. Eyes closed, not a hair on the stone but he allows himself to put coins.

Who is most likely to succeed you as captain?

I’m thinking of one of the two Baptistes (Delaporte and Cope Editor’s note). For Baptiste Cope, it’s the future of the club I think. He is very intelligent and extremely talented. I wish him a great career and one day to be the captain of the CO.


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