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Nino Schurter will cycle for another season –

Nino Schurter (38 years old) is not ready to put his mountain bike away. Le Grison, the most successful Swiss rider in history, indicated on Instagram that he would continue his career next season.

In a video message, Schurter said he was proud of everything he had accomplished. But for him, it’s meeting people that comes first. “Because of you, I’m not ready to stop yet“, he explained.

End clap after the 2025 season

Nino Schurter, on the other hand, told SRF television that 2025 would constitute his last season in the World Cup. “Another world championship in Switzerland and the World Cup races in Lenzerheide, it will be the perfect end to my cross country career“, said the 2016 Olympic champion. Then he will continue to compete in races, but outside the World Cup.

Schurter has won three Olympic medals, one from each metal. He has ten world championship titles and 36 World Cup victories.

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