DayFR Euro

the “small victories” of health sport, a booming niche

LThe Rocs & Roses set the mood on Saturday October 5 at the Salle du Camélia. This group of women in remission from cancer contributed to the Pink October activities led by the Ere Qua Sol neighborhood management. They performed two “flash mobs” on the stage, like seasoned dancers. The adventure began in 2021 around Doctor Dominique Cambon. The gynecological surgeon at the hospital center suggested that his patients take up rugby, in “health sport” mode, with the club. Today, there are 36 of them following the sessions, as much to clear their minds as to stimulate their bodies.

The Rocs & Roses choreography includes bras whose role is diverted!

Philippe Ménard / SO

The Ere Qua Sol neighborhood authority was supported by numerous partners, including Ifsi, for an awareness-raising morning organized in the Camélia room.

Philippe Ménard / SO

Saturday, at the Yvon-Chevalier complex, Pink October highlighted clubs that provide treatment through sport. Alexis Berthelot, the fencing master of the Saintais Fencing Circle, trained in the Riposte system, for people being treated for breast cancer. Today he supports three women, including one who suffers from another pathology, slightly overweight and a mobility problem. “We adopted Riposte in wheelchair fencing and she loved it,” notes the president. The club is “making its way modestly”.

The Saintais fencing club has been part of Saintais sport for two years.

Philippe Ménard / SO

Paratennis in project

The rowing club got involved in 2015. “We started with psychiatric patients, then we expanded: cancer, diabetes, prostheses… The advantage is that it is a sport that is supported, there is no trauma to the spine,” describes Christiane Pisani, who leads two sessions for twelve people. With psychiatry, this represents around thirty licenses in the club of 140 members.

At the rowing club, healthy sports are practiced indoors, with “rowers”.

Philippe Ménard / SO

Christine Pisani sees the fruits. A person with prosthetic knees who rediscovers the taste for hiking, another with respiratory difficulties who catches his breath. “These are small victories, human victories. »

At the tennis club, it’s all fresh. Recruited two years ago, Franck Taliana expanded his background with “PEPS” training, to welcome people who have recently had surgery, are affected by cancer, diabetes, osteoarthritis and heart problems. His motivation is very personal. “It comes from the heart. My father had a heart condition and died at age 56. » A second educator, Clément Martin, must pass the same diploma. Franck Taliana has another objective in his sights, launching a “paratennis” section.

Clément Martin and Franck Taliana launch the tennis club on the road to healthy sports.

Philippe Ménard / SO

” Custom made “

Cyril Fresne, who teaches tai-shi-chuan and qi-gong with the association Un geste vers soi, felt the need to train because he saw people arriving with pathologies. “I walk on eggshells, I’m not a doctor. We propose a movement to the body, it is the body which disposes. We work to measure. It’s very interesting. »

Cyril Fresne (right) is training to adapt to the needs of Un geste vers soi members.

Philippe Ménard / SO

I’m walking on eggshells, I’m not a doctor. We propose a movement to the body, it is the body which disposes

In a completely different register, the climbing club also makes room for healthy sports. The decrees which delimit health sport are not old (2012 and 2014). The practice undoubtedly existed long before it was regulated. “It’s opening up, that’s good, but we must not forget that we are dealing with sick people. We cannot do the same thing at all,” emphasizes Dr. Cambon.
