DayFR Euro

-Stade Toulousain: took part in the evening! How the melee precipitated the defeat of the “red and black” in the derby

the essential
The CO will eventually forget the taste of defeat against the “rouge et noir”. This Saturday, October 5, the Tarnais won at home (28-23, 5th day of Top 14). With their scrum, the generosity of the forwards and patience, continues its series at home in the derby.

Ludovic Cayre hesitates for a quarter of a second. In front of him, the collapsed building. One fall too many. He turns towards the stadium camp, one hand in his pocket. On the other hand it indicates the number “4” which recalls the visitors’ “score”, these serious errors which end up having an impact (their first scrum had been penalized after half an hour of play).

Dorian Aldegheri lowers his head, he understands, has just changed to bright yellow and is heading towards the sidelines. He is going to leave his partners at fourteen at a time when fifteen would not be too many. Five minutes later, the guilty pack raised its head, it was a question of life and death. The hope of reversing a trend that had become very unfavorable was there…

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Rugby did not wait for this Saturday evening, October 5, to generously cultivate the mystery. In this exercise so often mastered, in this collective effort where they shattered so many ambitions in and in Europe, the champions of France failed.

Yet, still greedy for balloons not quite dead or rather resurrected, on this hostile grass of Pierre-Fabre where they had not smiled for more than four years (and five defeats), disguised in white without the slightest hope of passing. unnoticed and “uninhibited” by the slap of the previous Sunday, they wanted to put their dear enemies at a reasonable distance with fierce intensity and very cool heads.

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ANALYSIS. Castres-Stade Toulousain: the CO finally pulled out its muscles! How the Tarnais overthrew the “red and black”

The people of Toulouse, better than anyone, as we know, know how to exploit without trembling the charms of ordinary disorder and to put up with their own thwarted demonstrations. Upset but not always, the way they lead Ramos’ try which will give them the score very early on is just perfect.

A Tarn pack of weight and faith

Despite a few errors, they dragged the Tarnais into “their” dangerous game, never forgetting to take the points, to score, often in response to the opponent’s wake-up call which, as we know, always hurts a lot. But it was not enough to have the last word against a pack of weight and faith from Tarn.

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REPLAY. Castres-Stade Toulousain: “Toulouse losing two games in a row is very rare!” The CO savors its new victory in the derby

During their inspired evenings, Dupont’s teammates (who will eventually return) know how to turn everything into danger. An example right after returning from the locker room. The young opener of the blues, Louis Le Brun, thinks he has secured the essential with his nice touch, but, played very quickly, it turns against his team leading to a long sequence at the gates of the CO goal, without consequences at the end. score.

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Castres-Stade Toulousain: courtesy before the battle… How the derby has gradually transformed in recent years

Mola’s students know how to win by scoring, by preventing scoring like at the siren (Meafou’s stamp on Babillot launched towards the line) or shortly after (ahead of Goodhue a few centimeters). But they also know how to lose even after having thrown away the plans necessary for success, so precious last night. Two defeats in a row, no big deal of course…


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