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BBH-Metz: a match within the match for the wingers before the Olympics

Butagaz Energy League (23rd day). Brest BH – Metz HB, this Wednesday (8 p.m.)

Brest-Metz definitely emanates an impression of shock on all levels. Victorious in the first leg (22-23), in Metz territory, the Brestoises have their destiny in their hands. Still undefeated this season, Pablo Morel’s players know that if successful, this Wednesday against their best enemies, they would take a giant step towards a title of French champions which has eluded them since 2021.

Conversely, the “Dragonnes” do not forget the humiliation they inflicted on Brest last month, in the semi-final of the Coupe de France (29-35). For them too, and perhaps even a little more (the Messines are one defeat behind the Brestoises), victory is obligatory.

On the right, one or two places for three

Established at the top of the national hierarchy of women’s handball for several years, the two teams also share the fact of having in their ranks a large number of international players likely to take part in the Paris Olympic Games, including several French women.

And if the list of 14 French players selected (plus three reserves) will only be revealed on July 5, at the end of a month-long preparation in Capbreton (Landes), certain cases remain particularly unresolved. Particularly among the wingers. As much as, on the left, the association between Brestoise Coralie Lassource and Messina Chloé Valentini leaves little doubt, on the right, the situation remains much more vague.

Krumbholz: “I’ll be there”

Under the eyes of Olivier Krumbholz, who will be present this Wednesday evening at the Brest Arena, the Brestoises Alicia Toublanc and Pauline Coatanéa as well as the Messina Lucie Granier will engage in a match in the match which promises to be intense. “They (Toublanc and Coatanéa) know that they are in competition with Lucie Granier, and the match between Brest and Metz will give indications. I will be there,” the coach warned last month. Before specifying: “We will not take the three in the 14. In the 17, perhaps, but not in the 14”. Only one or two places are therefore to be taken for the three players concerned, the coach counting among his options the possibility of taking one in addition to full-back Laura Flippes, a trained winger.

Lassource: “Now is not the time to think about the Games”

Returning from maternity in November, Lanvénécoise Pauline Coatanéa seemed to have fallen behind schedule before being recalled during the last rally to compensate for the injury of… her teammate Alicia Toublanc, and to stand out with a 10/10 against the Latvia. Will Wednesday’s match allow the coach to form a definitive opinion? “I don’t think this match is decisive for his choice,” Morel says, when Lassource affirms that “the only thing that will concern us is the title. The time has not yet come to think about the Games.” Pauline Coatanéa goes even further: “I prefer to see Lucie Granier score ten goals and me zero as long as we win. That’s all that matters to me.” For her as for the others, the rest will come by itself.


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