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Rail: the jackpot for Ineco

In partnership with the CID, the Spanish group Ineco will be responsible for carrying out studies on the development of the urban train service in the cities of Tangier and Tetouan.

The Spanish group Ineco has taken a decisive step in its expansion in Morocco by winning a major contract to carry out studies on the development of the urban train service in the cities of Tangier and Tetouan. This collaboration is part of Moroccan-Spanish bilateral relations and marks an important step forward for both countries in the field of infrastructure.

The contract, awarded jointly to Ineco and the Moroccan company CID, aims to strengthen rail connectivity between the two northern cities, while taking into account strategic objectives such as the connection with football stadiums in preparation for the World Cup. 2030, as well as Tangier airport. This project aligns with the Moroccan Railway Strategy 2040 (PRM2040), an ambitious plan which provides for the expansion of the railway network to support territorial development and growing transport needs.

The president of Ineco, Sergio Vázquez Torrón, underlined the importance of this contract for the company: “This project is our first major railway operation in Morocco and consolidates our presence in a country where we already operate in the airport sector. This is an important step that we hope to strengthen in the future.”

This collaboration with the CID company also marks an opportunity for increased cooperation between Spanish and Moroccan companies. The contract, lasting 14 months, includes several major components. Ineco and CID will work on the extension of the Tangier-Melloussa line and the evaluation of the construction of a new line connecting the south of Tangier to key infrastructures such as the football stadium, the airport and the Mohammed industrial park VI.

In addition, the study will include proposals relating to a conventional line linking Tetouan and Cheraffat. Note that this project is part of a long-term vision, PRM2040, which aims to transform the Moroccan railway network by connecting 43 cities across the country, compared to 23 currently. With an estimated budget of 375 billion dirhams (around 34.7 billion euros), the plan also intends to connect 12 ports and 15 airports, while creating nearly 300,000 jobs. Ultimately, it should make it possible to increase public transport coverage to 87% of the population, compared to only 51% today.

Prospects for air transport

In addition to the railway sector, Ineco was contacted by the National Airports Office (ONDA) to improve the infrastructure and terminals of the Mohammed V international airport in Casablanca. The company will be responsible for studying the improvements needed to cope with the increase in air traffic until 2040, identifying current problems and defining the future infrastructure required.

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