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As the elections approach, the FFT is launching a program to improve its social climate

The French Tennis Federation (FFT), whose president Gilles Moretton, candidate for succession in December, is widely criticized for his management considered too harsh, announced to AFP on Tuesday that it was launching a plan to improve the internal social climate.

“Following a complete diagnosis of the social situation in the Federation […] we have developed an ambitious action plan aimed at developing a peaceful, pleasant and fair working environment,” indicates Director General Stéphane Morel in a press release sent to AFP.

The “Fair Play” plan to the rescue of the FFT

This action plan, called “Fair Play”, is based in part on the conclusions of a social diagnosis (salé from chez salé) carried out during the first half of 2024 and is based on eight major axes: “Risk prevention, stress and harassment, professional/personal life balance, career and remuneration management, optimization of internal processes, evolution of the managerial model, corporate culture and employer brand, and strengthening of the HR function”, lists the instance.

In this context, the FFT says it has already taken measures such as the establishment of an “external and confidential psychological hotline” to prevent harassment in particular, the deployment of an “individualized social assessment” offering each employee “a clear vision of their situation” within the FFT, or even “the strengthening and clarification of the organization of the Human Resources Department” to “professionalize and modernize” its management.

December elections in sight

By the end of December 2024, the FFT plans in particular “the opening of thirty additional permanent positions in 2024-2025”, the signing of an “ethical charter” by the entire HR team, the launch an “outsourced barometer” making it possible to measure the quality of life at work each semester, training assistance and the promotion of an “inclusive culture”.

The election of the president of the FFT began in September and will end during the elective General Assembly on December 14, 2024. Gilles Moretton, whose first mandate was marked by a wave of departures, voluntary or not (often not, moreover), is a candidate for his succession. He admitted to AFP in June that the FFT was going through “an acute crisis” in terms of internal social life and promised “very concrete measures”.

The Fair Play plan is to prove itself, even if it starts from (very) far away. For several years, reports or open letters from employees have mentioned the “climate of terror” and the “social tsunami” underway at the Federation since the arrival of Gilles Moretton at the helm.


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