DayFR Euro

Elye Wahi mis dehors!

After his new disappointing performance against on Sunday evening, Elye Wahi has already been sent away from .

The matches follow one another and are similar for Elie Wahi. If he started his story with OM well by scoring in his first match in , the former Lensois has since been in great difficulty. As was again the case this Sunday evening on the Strasbourg lawn (1-0 defeat of Marseille), where he played a fourth match without being decisive.

Replaced shortly after the hour mark, Elye Wahi returned to the substitutes’ bench with his head down. And since the end of the match, the 21-year-old French striker has not been spared from criticism. Voices are even being raised to demand his departure.

“Reserve already for Genoa because we are going to play Maupay”

“Tomorrow I say ‘listen Elye, we paid you 30 million euros (25 in reality, editor’s note), already reserve for Genoa because we are going to play Maupay'”, thus launched Daniel Riolo on the airwaves of RMC.

And to add: “ On 9 we will have to choose, if Wahi is not doing well because he takes too much pressure and he can’t stand it, we will have to bet on Maupay. He’s a guy full of goodwill, everything you want, but he’s not a guy who gives you 20 per season either. » Bought for 25 million euros this summer, Elye Wahi will quickly have to show something else on the green rectangle if he does not want to have Marseille supporters lose patience, he who had already been whistled by the public at the Vélodrome at the start of the season.


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