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“The most difficult decision of my career”, the UFC doctor explains why he stopped the fight

Saturday evening, Jean-Marc Sène, the doctor at UFC 3, made the decision to prevent Benoît from continuing his fight against Renato Moicano. In a video published on his YouTube channel, he details the reasons.

His arrival in the Accor Arena cage air-conditioned all MMA fans. Saturday evening, Jean-Marc Sène, the doctor of the third edition of UFC Paris, decided to stop the fight between Benoît Saint Denis and Renato Moicano after the second round. The Frenchman, severely injured in the face, was prevented from resuming. In a video published on his Youtube channel, Jean-Marc Sène gives the reasons for what he assures is “the most difficult decision of (his) career”.

“The life of a fighter is at stake. Why have I come to this point of saying stop, where so many others would have hesitated? In the octagon, the safety of the fighters is my priority. We can observe significant bleeding with blood flowing and obstructing vision This can be dangerous because the fighter may no longer see the blows coming correctly,” explains the doctor.

“When I intervene, I carry out a quick but complete clinical examination. First with an assessment of visual acuity. I ask ‘how many fingers do you see? Four, two or three?’ This is a way to assess the clarity of vision. This continues with an inspection of the eye by looking at all structures of the eye to identify a visible abnormality.

“When I see a fighter with such swelling…”

Jean-Marc Sène highlights the “risk of infection” and “the risk of a fracture around the eye. “A fracture of the eye can lead to lasting problems such as double vision, loss of vision or changes in facial appearance that would require reconstructive surgery. So when I see a fighter with such swelling, sometimes I have to make the decision to stop the fight,” the doctor concludes.

As revealed in a sequence revealed on Sunday, Benoît Saint Denis, with completely swollen eyes and a bloody face due to the multitude of blows received during nearly five minutes in the first round, first passed the doctor’s test. UFC when the latter asks him to close his right eye. But the test is not conclusive with the left eye. “I don’t see,” BSD concedes. “And how many?” asks the doctor, presenting two fingers. “I don’t see,” repeats the French fighter, the right eye completely closed.

“We stop because he can no longer see out of his right eye. We have to stop,” declared Jean-Marc Sène to the referee. To the great despair of Saint Denis. “But I can see with my left eye,” he tries to plead. Without success. Despite a second round won by the Frenchman on the judges’ card, it’s the Brazilian who won by TKO, after a devastating first five minutes.


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