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“We are still convalescent” insists Olivier Létang after AC – LOSC

Passing through the mixed zone this Saturday, following LOSC’s victory over AC (0-3), Olivier Létang once again insisted on the group spirit which must animate the Mastiffs.

A little over two weeks ago, Olivier Létang left us speechless in the bowels of the Stade Geoffroy-Guichard. The president of LOSC expressed his anger following his team’s defeat against the Greens (1-0). This Saturday, the atmosphere was much more peaceful in , where the Mastiffs had just defeated Le Havre in hostile lands (0-3): “I don’t know if we should speak of relief (LOSC remained on a series of five games without a victory in all competitions), because there was confidence and serenity internally. We had a solid match, a very good first half in any case. We are still recovering, which explains the 20-minute gap in the second half, but it is not illogical given our difficult period. The results are positive this evening (Saturday), with the three points and a solid defense”he is satisfied to begin with.

In addition to the overall performance of the team, it is the behavior of the group that the northern leader wanted to discuss. If everything was not perfect, he noticed an evolution: “I intervened following the defeat at Saint-Étienne and I think it was day and night in terms of behavior and attitude. We took the match from the right end, leaving very little space for this Le Havre team, which could no longer breathe. I would have liked us to score this third goal a little earlier, but it’s mainly attitudes. They were almost good. We are on the right track. The result is very positive, we had to return to victory, but that requires confirmation. I’m waiting even more. We want to see a team. This is what I want to remember this evening (Saturday), not necessarily Jonathan David’s performance, but the strength of the collective and the desire to do things together. They are not teammates playing with each other. I always say that they are brothers who must be defended. This is why we must sacrifice ourselves for others. It is when the group is united, like a school of fish facing a big fish, that it is possible to reverse the trend. These notions of sacrifice are fundamental”insisted Olivier Létang.

Almost good? “There are always things to perfect,” the LOSC president quickly responds. I’m eternally dissatisfied, you know, and I always want people to be as perfect as possible. We are on the right track. It’s a good reaction. We all, including myself, had to do a lot more during this difficult time. The Saint-Étienne match, we were resigned before the end. Against , even in a difficult context, the boys did not give up. We are moving forward, but the high level is consistency. There are matches (Real Madrid) in which we already know that the boys will respond. For me, the next very important step is next Saturday. I have confidence in this group if they move forward together”concluded Olivier Létang on this subject.


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