DayFR Euro

the scores against

ROOMS (5). He is no longer undefeated at Guy-Piriou. Few balls to negotiate until the penalty, apart from this beautiful flight from a curling shot from Mion (55′). And again, he is not far from stopping Diarra’s strike on ’s equalizer (84′)

BAMBA (5). First confined to his defensive tasks in the first quarter of an hour. Under pressure, he can display a propensity to increase ball losses. Staggered by Injai without the surface, he opens his foot too much (38′). We have known him to be more biting, generally speaking.

SELF (5). Having trouble getting the balloons out. Illustration with this cookie-cutter setback ball that Salles must clear in a hurry. Action for which he is warned (30′). Replaced by TCHAPTCHET (86’).

SEYDI (5). Faced with Rouen’s offensive density and pressing, he also experienced difficulties in restarting. In depth and duels, on the other hand, he held his place.

WAHIB (4). With Rouen’s game leaning slightly to the right, he had a quiet evening… until this indisputable mistake in the area, where he was caught by Benkaïb. A very complicated last quarter of an hour, in short. Too bad, because until now, the former player has been impeccable.

SINQUIN (6). Lots of verticality in his game, and a nice alternation between the short game and the long game. The interim captain seems to have completely regained his register.

INJAI (6). The symbol of a midfielder who has worked quite well. It offers physical density and a certain accuracy too. And for once, the former Choletais did not take a hit… Replaced by SY (72′)

MOUAZAN (6). In the direction of the game, in small spaces, the former player is a delight for his attackers. His place is undoubtedly here, in the heart of the game. More than on one side or even in front, positions assigned to him by Stéphane Le Mignan last season. But he still needs to be more dominant given his full season in Ligue 2.

TUTU (5). Established on the right after his good debut in . He asks to be launched at full speed, like on this deviation from Injai, where he runs to send a good cehtre (33′). One of his rare forward projections. But he does not yet represent the right-wing counterpart of Soukouna. Replaced by ETCHEVERRIA (66’).

KIELT (5.5). Rather discreet in the first half, but what a ball behind the defense to launch Soukouna towards the opener! Two assists and a goal in two matches: the former player seems to have learned from his frustrations at the very start of the season. Replaced by CAOKI (86’)

SOUKOUNA (7). Juice and a lot of activity, with or without a ball. He often embodied the danger of Concarne. He is both at the origin and at the conclusion of the opening score, and of this duel won with the Rouen goalkeeper. Coal in front, in solidarity behind: it is everywhere. Warned (24′). The only shadow of the evening, so heavy it weighed.


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