DayFR Euro

Servette-Chênois’ European dream drowns in Roma’s pressing

Published on September 26, 2024 at 8:57 p.m. / Modified on September 26, 2024 at 8:58 p.m.

Fourteen minutes. This is how long the players of Servette FC Chenois Féminin (SFCCF) were able to believe, on Thursday, in the feat against AS Roma. Beaten 3-1 a week earlier in Rome, the Genevans hoped to reverse the score and qualify for the group stage of the Champions League but they lost even more heavily than going (2-7). Severe but logical verdict: the double Italian champions have more talent, experience and physical strength, which on a pitch made heavy by the rains of the day, was important.

The Servettians had returned from Rome frustrated. With the exception of two goals from Canadian Evelyne Viens in the last ten minutes, they had matched an opponent whom, they said to themselves upon returning to Geneva, they had perhaps overestimated. The plan for the return to Praille, in front of 6107 spectators including 2500 school guests who created a nice atmosphere, was to press the Italians, to play quickly and if possible long behind the backs of the central defenders.

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