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Boulogne-sur-Mer (USBCO) / (ASLN) match – News – News

Updated on 09/25/2024

Friday, September 27, 2024

On Friday, September 27, 2024 at 7:30 p.m., a national football championship match will take place at the Stade de la Libération in Boulogne-sur-Mer, pitting the teams of the Union Sportive de Boulogne Côte d’Opale (USBCO) against the Association Sportive -Lorraine (ASNL).

In order to prevent public order disturbances which could arise between supporters of the two teams in and around the stadium, Jacques Billant, Prefect of Pas-de-, decided by decree of September 24, 2024 (attached) to take measures to supervise the travel of Nancy supporters applicable from Friday, September 27 at 10 a.m. to Saturday, September 28, 2024 at 10 a.m.:

  • ASNL supporters who have booked a ticket to the stadium must comply with the travel arrangements set out by the match organisers. Supporters travelling by coach must report at 5pm to a meeting point at the “Setques” exit of the A26, from where they will be accompanied by the police to reach the stadium. After the match, they will be escorted and supervised to the motorway.
  • ASNL supporters authorized to travel may not claim to be Nancy supporters or behave as such within the perimeter defined by the prefectural decree and in the Stade de la Libération, outside the area reserved for them (see appendix).
  • Any person claiming to be a Nancy supporter or behaving as such, while not holding a ticket, will be prohibited from entering the Stade de la Libération in Boulogne-sur-Mer and from driving or parking on the public highway within the perimeter defined by the prefectural decree.
  • In the stadium grounds and surrounding areas, within the perimeter described by the prefectural decree, the possession, transport and use of all firecrackers or smoke bombs, flags and banners with inscriptions calling for provocation, violence or hatred, as well as all objects that could be used as projectiles, will also be prohibited. The possession and transport of all alcoholic beverages will also be prohibited.

Failure to comply with these measures is punishable by six months’ imprisonment and a fine of €30,000. In the event of conviction, the additional penalty of a one-year judicial ban from the stadium is mandatory, unless a specially justified decision is taken to the contrary.

The Prefect of Pas-de-Calais calls on Nancy and Boulogne supporters to show respect for each other and to honour the common values ​​included in the notion of “ dsportsmanship “,has namely tolerance, integration, respect, fair play and non-violence. The fervour initiated by this match must not make us forget the rules and responsibilities of each person. No form of violence is acceptable.


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