DayFR Euro

François Bruneau, president of volleyball: “Above all, we must avoid financial problems”

In June 2023, François Bruneau took over as president of volleyball, following the surprise resignation of Bruno Poilpré. Aged 55, this native of Tours managed the company Axxome Propreté for seventeen years, which was sold a little over a year ago (this company had never been a partner of TVB). He managed around 320 employees: “The main objective of the president of a club like ours is to keep it at a high level. That is to say, even if we don’t talk about it this year, we must above all avoid financial problems. We must manage to coordinate a high-level sports team by controlling budgets and find the finances to balance these budgets.”

Tours volleyball has won 28 titles in 20 years

“It’s a club that has won a lot of titles. In 20 years, 28, so that’s several per year. It’s regular and omnipresent pressure, from the public but also from the players who come to Tours volleyball to win titles. So we have to provide the means, the structure, the organization, in order to optimize the capacity and performance of the players and go for titles every year.”

The Tourangeaux were beaten in the final of the French championship last season
© AFP – Valeria Lippera

“Every year, we are expected”

“Every year, we are expected. At least in the final. So we always try to win. But sometimes, like last season, we are vice-champion of (Editor’s note: Tours volleyball was beaten by Saint-Nazaire in the final)”.

League A volleyball results over the last ten years:

2015 : Tours

2016 : Volley

2017 :

2018 : Tours

2019 : Tours

2020: no champion due to Covid pandemic

2021 :


2023: Tours

2024: Saint-Nazaire


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