DayFR Euro

“Sense of dialogue”, “fingered salute to voters”: reactions after Gil Avérous entered government

Even before the transfer of power at the Ministry of Sports, scheduled for this Monday midday, Gil Avérous’s entry into government provokes a great many reactions. His relatives, but also his opponents and even detractors, have not failed to comment on this official announcement since Saturday evening.. Unsurprisingly, it is in the ranks of the right and the center that the reactions are the most complimentary. The president of the Indre Department, Marc Fleuret, salutes a “a man of projects and action who listens to his fellow citizens”Another figure of the right, Nicolas Forissier, also reacted to the microphone of Bleu Berry. “He deserves it, it’s a very good thing. It will definitely be very good for our department.”believes the deputy of the second constituency of Indre.

In Cher, elected officials also speak out. “I am delighted that a quality personality, known for his sympathy, his intelligence and his sense of dialogue, is entering the government”rejoices François Cormier-Bouligeon, deputy of the presidential majority.

But there are also many critics. They come first from the city of Châteaurouxfrom opposition municipal councilor Delphine Chambonneau. “Gil Averous has finally realized his dream and enhanced his Wikipedia page by becoming a minister. Is this political move beneficial for the people of Châteauroux?”asks the representative of the Châteauroux Ecological and Social movement, who says “doubt the room for maneuver of the new Minister of Sports“. The Communist Party of Indre also places several banderillas. “Gil Averous has chosen to take a place in a government allied with the RN (…) His ambition today leads him to choose the side of collaboration with an anti-democratic government”the party wrote in a statement.


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