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French-speaking candidates ask to remove signs in Dilbeek “that make people uncomfortable”: “We need to calm down with this identitarianism”

Currently, the UF has three seats on the Dilbeek council.We would like to get five of them.”Daoud Azam Daimoussi tells us. In the program of the French-speaking candidates, a challenging proposal: “removal of the signs ‘Dilbeek, waar Flamingen thuis zijn'”.

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These signs make you feel uncomfortable”

In several places in the municipality, we have seen for decades these signs “Dilbeek, where the Flemish are at home.”These signs date from the 70s. The demographics have changed. French speakers have proven their involvement in the community. We need to get out of this trench warfare. These signs make those who are not Flemish feel uncomfortable. We need to calm down with this community identity..”

Daoud Azam Daimoussi, however, assures that he does not want to make Dilbeek a French-speaking municipality. “But we want real bilingualism.” In their program, the UF candidates are asking in particular for the “possibility of having a reception in French and English both at the town hall and at the police station”, as well as more books in French at the library and a “flexibility in the use of languages ​​in municipal playgrounds, training courses and various sports clubs“.

Panels panel Dilbeek, waar Vlamingen thuis zijn ©Ro.Ma.

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