DayFR Euro

Platini’s proposal to revolutionize football

Special guest on the show Rothen s’enflamme, this Thursday, on RMC, Michel Platini submitted a rather audacious proposal to make football more attractive.

Abolish the offside rule. Implement a temporary expulsion. Or replace extra time with a one-on-one session with the goalkeeper. In early 2017, the legendary Marco van Basten, then in charge of technical development at FIFA, listed several more or less credible ideas to change the face of football and make it more attractive.

“It would free up space”

Questioned on the same subject this Thursday during his long interview given to RMC for the show Rothen s’enflamme, Michel Platini submitted another proposal, probably at least as daring. “Maybe we should remove a player, play with 10. Football was played with 11 in 1900, but in 1900 they ran less than today, they were less strong, they went less quickly,” stressed the former captain and legendary number 10 of the French team.

“So maybe it would be a good thing to limit the number of players, it would free up space,” the former UEFA boss supported. More generally, Platini regrets the current evolution of football. “People of my generation don’t watch football much anymore because they don’t find themselves in the game,” he lamented.

“Today, we pass more forward than backward, in the possession game there are a lot of passes. I’m not criticising. But people of my generation who have known more attacking football don’t relate to it.”

RR with Rothen ignites


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