The Ligue 1 college did not want to take a position before the vote
DayFR Euro

The Ligue 1 college did not want to take a position before the vote

Before the big vote for the Professional Football League (LFP) elections on Tuesday, September 10, the elite French clubs met to designate their representatives on the board of directors, which will then have to choose between the outgoing Vincent Labrune and the outsider Cyril Linette for the post of president of the body.

At the end of the morning, the college of Ligue 2 clubs gathered first and positioned itself in favor of supporting Cyril Linette (nine votes for him, seven for Vincent Labrune, two abstentions). In the process, the result of this same consultation was awaited on the side of the Ligue 1 college. But surprise, the latter finally decided not to position itself.

>> All the information on the LFP elections live

There was no obligation on the Ligue 1 college to reveal its intentions before the big vote of the board of directors. The same goes for Ligue 2, especially since it is only a consultation and does not legally oblige the representatives sent to the board of directors. The fact remains that L2 still wanted to make a statement with this signal in favor of Cyril Linette.

On the Ligue 1 college side, which a priori massively supports Vincent Labrune, the lack of suffrage can also be explained by the fact that another step was skipped: the vote to validate the representatives on the board of directors. At the beginning of the process, nine directors were coveting seven seats. But Waldemar Kita (president of FC Nantes) and Joseph Oughourlian (president of RC Lens) ultimately withdrew their candidacy. With seven directors for seven places, the vote was no longer necessary.

Ligue 1 votes count more

At the board of directors, which will have the mission of deciding between Vincent Labrune and Cyril Linette, the votes are not equal. Each of the votes of the seven representatives of Ligue 1 counts for 2.75. For the two representatives of Ligue 2, it is 1.75. The FFF has one vote counting for 1. And the remaining seven votes, those of the other football families, each count for 2. Depending on the results, a second round may be organized if no candidate obtains an absolute majority in the first.

- RMC Sport


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