Shot in the foot, wild boar attack… two injured before the hunting season even opens
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Shot in the foot, wild boar attack… two injured before the hunting season even opens

Dangers – Two hunters were injured in the Drôme department, the day before the opening of the hunting season

On the eve of the opening of the hunting season, the Drôme department is already offering its share of behind-the-scenes accidents. A hunter shot himself in the foot, reports France Bleu Drome Ardèche, while another was charged by a wild boar, again according to France Bleu.

In Cornillac, a village near Nyons, a 77-year-old hunter was seriously injured on Saturday afternoon. According to initial reports, he was putting his rifle away when he accidentally shot himself in both feet at the same time. The septuagenarian had to be transported by helicopter to the hospital in Valence.

An attack whose conditions remain unclear

On the same day, a man in his forties was also injured, but in completely different circumstances, in Saint-Fortunat-sur-Eyrieux, near Privas. Around noon, he was charged by a wild boar in conditions that remain unclear. Suffering from numerous wounds, he too was taken to hospital.

Please note that the hunting season only officially opened this Sunday morning in most of the metropolitan departments including Drôme. It has been open since August 23 in Alsace and Moselle and since September 1 in Corsica. In other departments, it will open on September 15 or 22. The last department to(…) - 20minutes

Also read:
Isère: Suspended sentence and 60,000 euro fine for a hunter who killed a protected bird of prey
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