The cruel fall of Ambra Sabatini who mows down her compatriot in the 100m on video
DayFR Euro

The cruel fall of Ambra Sabatini who mows down her compatriot in the 100m on video

THE SPORTS SCAN – In the 100m T63 (one-legged para-athletes) this Saturday, the Italians could have done a hat-trick. But the para-athlete Sabatini fell and made her compatriot fall.

So close to the dream… This Saturday in the 100m T63, Italy was a few centimeters away from achieving a historic triple. With a time of 14”16, Martina Caironi first finished in first position, winning the gold medal. But just behind her, her compatriots Ambra Sabatini and Monica Contrafatto were going to cross the finish line in second and third positions. Before the drama.

The former seems to lose her last support and falls just before the finish. She therefore moves to the right and mowed down her compatriot Contrafatto. The two Italians fall and are therefore overtaken. “I’m still in shock, I don’t really understand what happened, I was almost at the finish line (…) Before the start, I had a problem. Air was coming out of the valve of the prosthesis, and we fixed it with silicone. I’m very happy for Martina, but I’m sorry for Monica for having hurt her.”Sabatini reacted for the television channel Rai Sport at the end of the race. But after a protest, Monica Contrafatto finally received a bronze medal like the Englishwoman Ndidikama Okoh.



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