“The question is not current”, Diallo buries any reflection on Deschamps’ future
DayFR Euro

“The question is not current”, Diallo buries any reflection on Deschamps’ future

Coming out of a Euro that was not very exciting in terms of play and rather dull in terms of emotions, the French team sank in a big way (1-3) against Italy on Friday evening, in the League of Nations. The Blues did not reassure us about their ability to bounce back with something new. Didier Deschamps wanted to take advantage of this gathering to reoxygenate the group by incorporating new elements, but the method itself has not fundamentally changed.

Without an offensive idea, weakened by a shaky defense itself weighed down by a midfield in dire straits, the French team missed its comeback and collectively flew to pieces at the end of a worrying performance. “We were not collectively up to the task compared to what Italy offered us,” the coach readily acknowledged, who also admitted that the heavy defeat conceded was his “responsibility.” “And it always will be,” he added.

“Everything in its own time”

Daniel Riolo did not hesitate to agree with him by designating him as the main person responsible for the rout in the After. Much criticized after a less than glorious Euro, Didier Deschamps has retained the confidence of his leaders despite the harsh criticism directed at him. And Philippe Diallo’s interview with Le Figaro (editor’s note: conducted before the match against Italy) suggests that the situation should not change, whatever the result of the Blues on Monday, against Belgium. “He has a contract until 2026, he is fulfilling the objectives and giving satisfaction,” he argues.

Extend or dismiss, whatever the hypothesis retained – but it is rather a question of an extension than of a contract that would end before its term -, the president of the FFF refuses for the moment to pronounce on the future of the “greatest coach in the history of the French team”. “Everything in its own time. That is not my state of thought”, he says.

“Didier is under contract until 2026 so the question is not, today, current”, estimates the boss of the 3F to Le Figaro. “The question of the moment, and I liked this word from Didier Deschamps, to reoxygenate the team. This reoxygenation, it is the will of Didier Deschamps and I share it. I think that he will use this League of Nations to prepare for our major objective, the 2026 World Cup. We are building the team so that the Blues are there in the United States.”

- RMC Sport


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