A teenager humiliated and beaten by several young people in Zelzate: “What we see is appalling” | Belgium

A teenager humiliated and beaten by several young people in Zelzate: “What we see is appalling” | Belgium
A teenager humiliated and beaten by several young people in Zelzate: “What we see is appalling” | Belgium

Footage that has emerged on social media shows a group of young people humiliating and attacking a teenager for no reason in Zelzate, East Flanders. The local police have opened an investigation and hope to quickly identify the perpetrators.


08-17-23, 14:34
Last update:

Het Laatste Nieuws

The particularly shocking video is circulating on social networks. We see a young teenager surrounded by several young people near the Zelzate sports hall. Panicked, powerless, the victim sobs and begs his attackers to stop. Nothing helps, young people do not budge. They ask him to kneel down, kiss their feet and then beat him.

To avoid being lynched even more, he accedes to the request and runs. “Kiss, kiss!” they shout, before kicking him on the head for several seconds.

“What we see in these images is appalling”

The mayor and the local police took note of the images yesterday/Wednesday evening. Apparently they date back to last Friday. “This is a minor victim. The suspects seem to be young people of the same age”, specifies the police zone of Puyenbroeck. “We were still in contact with the victim and his parents this morning. The questioning of the victim is therefore in progress”.

Police say they are taking the incident very seriously. “We transmit the images internally to all our teams”, she specifies. “These are probably teenagers from Zelzate. We should be able to identify them fairly quickly.”

“What we see in these images is appalling. I strongly condemn this type of behavior”, reacted Brent Meuleman (s.pa), mayor of Zelzate. “The victim’s parents contacted me last night to report the incident. The police investigated all day. I hope that these people will be identified and that justice will be done for the victim”.

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