National Supporters Association justifies continuation of protest movement

National Supporters Association justifies continuation of protest movement

The conflict between Ligue 2 supporters and broadcaster BeIN Sports is still unresolved. Last Wednesday, the two parties met to discuss the multiplex’s programming, currently set for Friday evenings, which is not broadcast. In a statement on Monday, the National Supporters Association (ANS) spoke out on the subject.

Exchanges “sometimes tense, but most of the time sensible and constructive”

“Wednesday’s meeting between the different parties, organised following a strong mobilisation of supporters from Ligue 2 but also from other divisions including Ligue 1, allowed each party to present their constraints during more than two hours of discussions, sometimes tense, but most of the time sensible and constructive,” the ANS indicated in its press release.

However, no agreement has been reached at this time. “This meeting has not led, at this stage, to any concrete proposal from BeIN Sports but to a commitment to study the issue in detail in order to, if necessary, submit proposals at a future meeting,” the Association also said. “Without guarantee, of course, that these proposals correspond to the expectations of the supporters and respond to the demands of the current national protest movement.”

ANS awaits a proposal from the LFP and BeIN Sports

The start of the Ligue 2 season was marked by a revolt by supporters and several incidents. They are demanding the return of matches on Saturdays, as was the case in recent years. The protest actions continued last weekend, on the sidelines of the third day of the championship. The Association, however, recalls “that acts of vandalism are not compatible” with its “constitutive charter.”

The ANS also regrets “that these discussions did not take place before the decision to change the calendar promised to everyone since October 2023”. The supporters also feel that the interests of the broadcaster are the law “even if this is in reality contrary to the overall interests of the clubs”.

The Association also noted all the sacrifices made to encourage their team and deplores having to make further efforts to “allow clubs to maintain an economic lifestyle disconnected from reality”. “Even if this first exchange constitutes a certain step forward, we expect from BeIN Sports and the LFP a proposal allowing supporters to fully live their passion while guaranteeing clubs the means to get through the current economic crisis”, concluded the ANS.

- RMC Sport


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