The Akhannouch government submitted bill No. 03.23 amending and supplementing Law No. 22.01 relating to criminal procedure to the office of the House of Representatives, more than four months after its approval during the government council.
As a reminder, the Government Council approved the bill on August 29, 2024, but it did not send it back to parliament, because the text was sent back to the General Secretariat of the Government to reformulate some of its clauses.
According to a statement from the Government Council, announced following the Council meeting of August 29, the government had approved bill No. 03.23 amending and supplementing Law No. 22.01 relating to criminal procedure, “taking into account observations raised,” recalls the Arabic-speaking site
+ Strengthen fair trial guarantees +
In fact, the text includes developments that must strengthen fair trial guarantees, by rationalizing the use of theoretical custody and considering it as an exceptional measure, by rationalizing pre-trial detention with a precise definition of its legal controls ; by strengthening the rights of the defense; by modernizing criminal justice mechanisms; by fighting crime using modern means; and protecting victims.
In addition to developments regarding penal policy, by establishing new controls to frame penal policy within the framework of the general policies of the State, with the definition and definition of its executive forms; the protection of minors; the simplification of appeal formalities and the transfer of their skills to strengthen the independence of the prosecution.
This project also includes legal developments concerning the execution of sentences, by expanding the powers of the criminal judge and by motivating prisoners to discipline themselves through the automatic reduction of the sentence, adds the same source.