Members of Raja de Casablanca supporter groups surprised the club’s management office, chaired by Adel Hala, during a communications meeting held this Friday evening with the assembly of members in a hotel in the economic capital, Casablanca. This meeting aimed to analyze the current situation of the club.
According to an official source contacted by Hesport, some members of Raja supporters groups showed up unexpectedly at the hotel and asked, with respect and professionalism, to attend the meeting. Their request was accepted, allowing them to express the true causes of the crisis the club is going through.
The same source indicated that representatives of the supporters groups directly held certain leaders responsible for the current situation of the team. They also accused certain figures of favoring their personal interests to the detriment of the club.
Members of the groups called on club president Adel Hala to resign from his position if he was no longer able to make the necessary improvements. They also expressed their refusal to see certain old figures return to the presidency of the club.
The meeting was attended by past presidents and several members to discuss current issues and develop plans to protect the best interests of the club in the months to come. However, some important figures from the Raja scene were conspicuous by their absence for various reasons.