Yonnais schoolboys take on the challenge of disabled sports

Yonnais schoolboys take on the challenge of disabled sports
Yonnais schoolboys take on the challenge of disabled sports

« My disability, I can’t really hide it. » Jordan Ducret places his hands on the wheels of his chair. Facing the students of 5e from Haxo College, the Paralympian does not avoid any questions. From his road accident at 16 which left him quadriplegic to his bad grades “ here in these classes », including the price – €12,000 – of his armchair “ match ».

This is the journey inspiring » from his former student, now a member of the French wheelchair rugby team, whom the teaching team chose as the first highlight of its sporting and solidarity project. “ The Haxolidaire project is entitled “Can you run with a disability? » announces Eric Davias, the principal. It is aimed at all students of 5e and takes place throughout the school year around a common thread: raising students’ awareness of disabilities through the practice of disabled sports. »

A project that has its place on the schedule

Thursday, December 12, the middle school students attempted the first passes, sitting in the chairs. “ It’s not simple, smiled Lorenzo. You have to be powerful with your shoulders and arms. » Haxo’s students work on their project all year long. “ We try to include it in all subjects », comments Anne-Françoise Ibarra, mathematics teacher. In French, by searching for the title of the challenge. In math, with the calculation of performance. In SVT, via a zoom on the spinal cord…

« After Jordan’s visit, we have two more highlights », Announces Yohann Cantin, PE teacher. On April 3, the timetable will leave room for discovering adapted sports. The final day is scheduled for May 15 with a solidarity race, blind and in pairs. “ Local businesses can support our students with donations, which will be donated to the Atlantique wheelchair rugby and the Vendée departmental disabled sports committee. », specifies the teaching team.




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