“This team is capable of great things”, Paillaugue believes in the rebirth of the MHR after a difficult season

“This team is capable of great things”, Paillaugue believes in the rebirth of the MHR after a difficult season

During your inauguration at the end of last season, President Mohed Altrad insisted a lot on the return of the DNA. What is the DNA of the MHR?

The DNA of the MHR is a team that is difficult to play against, it is a team that never gives up with a lot of resilience, a lot of self-denial, a lot of mutual support. When I arrived in 2009, that was it: no great players, but guys who fought for each other. We were a team that was hard to maneuver, with a front pack that was robust, with a certain aggressiveness. And behind not big names, but players who had qualities, a rugby intelligence. We are trying to find that again, to find that love of the jersey, that desire to surpass oneself for one’s friend.

Did you perceive this DNA in the first match lost against Lyon (22-26)?

Unfortunately, it wasn’t always seen against Lyon. We were disappointed by some of the attitudes in that regard. We have to try not to give up, no matter the match. Whether we win or lose, it has to be difficult for the opponent. In rugby, we know that it will take time, that this team has been a bit bruised over the last two seasons. We know that it won’t happen overnight. But at least, on the basics, the desire to fight, we have to be there. I’m not saying that they didn’t do it against Lyon, but 70% of the time. In the Top 14, you have to be 100% all the time. That’s where we’re a bit disappointed in this first match.

Before the match against Grenoble, you had been integrated into the old staff to prepare for the play-off. Your name kept coming up for promotion this season. You were coaching the Espoirs, was the decision easy to make to take the plunge?

The obvious thing was to work with the new staff who wanted to work with me. When I was asked to join the staff last year, it wasn’t easy. I’m not saying they’re bad people, quite the contrary, but they didn’t choose me. It was complicated to make a place for myself. And I totally acknowledge that.

This season, I’m working with people I know well, it’s also a double-edged sword. We’re friends, we can get angry. But in any case, what’s good is that since we know each other very well, we’re not afraid to tell each other things whether we agree or not. And for now, it’s going pretty well. But we’d like it to change fairly quickly because we know that we need to win quickly to regain that trust. We missed the first step. Now, we mustn’t start from scratch. We have to stay in the project that we want to set up, find quick levers to gain trust.

You have played with most of the players, did you have to put a framework, a distance with them now that you are a coach?

When I was a player, I was close to the guys because I liked it. They know me. They know my temperament. They also know my demands, especially. And I think that’s what they like too. So no, I’m not changing. Of course I’m not going to go to a restaurant with them like we used to do every day. I’m more with the staff and I have more work besides. But no, I want to keep this closeness, but in work. Keep this closeness where we tell each other things. I’m going to try to be as honest as possible. There will be disappointed people. But I want to try to stay myself. It pleases, it doesn’t please, but that’s how it will be. I try to listen to the guys above all. And to exchange a lot when it’s necessary to exchange on rugby or even on aspects outside of rugby. Because for me, it’s important. It’s not just rugby: trying to know your players, knowing if they’re doing well. And then trying to get the best out of them.

You were a sometimes hot-blooded player who didn’t hesitate to say things bluntly, to speak out in times of crisis, to make players face up to their responsibilities. Do you manage to calm this character?

It’s up to them to answer (laughs). I’m putting a little more water in my wine, but you shouldn’t change your character. The character you have makes the person you are. I think they liked that about me too. I try to be as much myself as possible without changing myself, but by being a little more calm. Even if sometimes I have outbursts because I have a lot of frustration, because I know that this team is capable of great things, that there are very good players, but that you have to quickly find that confidence again. In any case, I try not to change myself or take myself for someone else. I try to speak from my heart, quite simply. The passion that I can have for this sport and for this club. I don’t do it for myself. I try to give the best for this club because I want this club to succeed. If it’s with me for years, I’ll be the happiest. If it’s without me, I’ll be the first supporter. But right now, I’m here, so I want it to work with us, for sure.

You are coming out of a difficult season, what is the objective for this season?

The priority is to get the enthusiasm back, to find a group that wants to come and train, that wants to spend time together, that wants to play and give their all for each other. That our supporters and our partners feel that about the team. I think that’s the priority. And of course, try to have a good season. We’re going to try to do better than last year. We have to do better than last year. That’s for sure. We know that we’re in a reconstruction situation, we’re not going to chase away all the demons overnight, with the snap of a finger, it takes time. In any case, for the moment, everything is going well with the staff. Everything is going well with the technical staff, with the directors, with Bernard, with the president. The players seem to be happy and committed to the project. It’s not because we missed the first match. We might miss the second one, maybe the third one. But at some point, it’s going to have to switch. We must not give up right now.

You are talking about Bernard Laporte, what is his role with you?

He is with us every day. He is with us every morning, every afternoon. He talks a lot. He watches the videos. He gives us his point of view. He also asks us for ours. There are a lot of discussions. It is going very well. He said he would be with us. That he would support us because we were a young staff. And for now, that is what is happening. All we need now is this victory which will give us a little more confidence.

This afternoon is the derby against Perpignan, in Béziers, is it a great challenge to start the season?

It’s a derby but in a neutral stadium, the Béziers stadium which is magnificent. We know they’re going to travel. It’s going to be a hostile place, it’s going to be a good test for us. We expect things from our players, we said it. In the first video, we said it. We’re disappointed with certain things. We expect a reaction this weekend. At least on the behavior, on the desire. On the game, we’ll see later. But at least on this attitude, of fighting for each other. Our leaders have to reveal themselves. Young players also have to arrive and push behind everyone. We have to find this enthusiasm that will make us regain our momentum.

- RMC Sport


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