TDF. Tour de France – Guillaume Martin: “My values ​​are opposed to those of the RN”

TDF. Tour de France – Guillaume Martin: “My values ​​are opposed to those of the RN”
TDF. Tour de France – Guillaume Martin: “My values ​​are opposed to those of the RN”

The big start of the 111th edition of the Tour de France is now imminent. After the presentation of the teams this Thursday evening, Guillaume Martin training Cofidisanswered a few questions at the microphone of Cyclism’-. The French climber discusses his fitness, this new Tour de France – his eighth in a row – which “looks good”and the events of this weekend, particularly political… Interview with the man with two top 10s in the general ranking of the Big Loope (8th in 2021 and 10th in 2023)!

Video – Guillaume Martin at the microphone of Cyclism’-

“Saturday, we will have an eventful stage”

Guillaume Martin, a new start on the Tour de France, what does it look like?

It’s looking good, in any case my preparation has been good. I’m arriving here without any health problems and for the moment everything is going well. But for the moment, it’s really not the hardest part of the Tour.

The weekend is set to start with a bang. Are you worried about it this weekend, like many runners?

The start of the Tour, we know that it’s always nervous and we’re always a little bit looking for our sensations. In addition, we have two really tough stage profiles that will be similar to the stages we had last year in the Basque Country. It will be even hotter, I think that on Saturday they’re predicting 37°C, so I think that could really affect the race. With all these climbs that we’re going to have to face, the distance, I think we’ll already have an eventful stage on Saturday.

“I’ll see how the first steps go…”

What is your objective in this Tour de France: the general classification or a stage victory?

I’m going to kick things a bit like with all the other journalists before. I’m going to see how the first stages go, realize my level compared to that of the others and I will refine based on that.

“I think people are starting to know my values…”

This weekend, there is something important in France with the legislative elections. Are you following this and what do you think about it?

Obviously I am, and I think that we can hardly do anything other than follow and feel concerned because these are still important things that will be played out on Sunday and the following weekend. I find the climate quite distressing and where we have arrived. I think people are starting to know my values, and they are the opposite of those of the National Rally. I saw a poll this (Thursday) morning that placed them in a good position to have an absolute majority or close to it, and I don’t want to see that.

The footballers spoke a lot, but we heard little from the runners. You are one of the first runners to clearly state your position…

Yes because I’m being asked today (Thursday). For footballers, there is the Euro which made them find themselves at the center of the news. Besides, I think that Marcus Thurman’s speech or the words that Kylian Mbappé used were quite strong. With his power of influence, I think it was important that Mbappé said that. I really stand behind their words and I think that the values ​​put forward by the far right are not the values ​​that I support. I don’t think these are values ​​of openness, they are not the values ​​of sport for example. Sport is about meeting others, crossing passes and not setting boundaries.



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