Originally from the Sablé-sur-Sarthe region, Bérénice Eltgen will carry the Olympic flame

Originally from the Sablé-sur-Sarthe region, Bérénice Eltgen will carry the Olympic flame
Originally from the Sablé-sur-Sarthe region, Bérénice Eltgen will carry the Olympic flame


Thomas Cherbonnel

Published on

May 25, 2024 at 7:48 a.m.

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It was astonishment that dominated when Bérénice Eltgennative Bouessay (in Mayenne), discovered that she would be a carrier of Olympic flame.

For what ? Well quite simply because she didn’t even know she was a candidate. It’s his mom Sophie who sent his file to the organizing committee of the Olympic Games.

And the secret was well kept, until April when she received an email to tell her that she was one of the 11,000 flame bearers.

“A once in a lifetime experience”

News which delighted the person concerned.

It’s a pretty cool experience to live, that you do once in your life. It is an event that brings together athletes from all backgrounds, of all ages and from different sports.

Bérénice Eltgen

Her own sport is horse riding. Since the age of six, Bérénice has devoted herself to her passion. The athlete has participated in show jumping, regional and national competitions.

“I have participated in the French Championship several times”, specifies the one who went to college Saint Anne and at Saint-Joseph high school has Sablé-sur-Sarthe.

She has her own breeding

Since 2017, she has expanded her passion, developing her own breeding of French saddle ponies. “The objective is to give birth to foals to enhance them, to work on them in show jumping competitions. »

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His passion has become more than a sport, it is now an activity in its own right.

She carried it out alongside her studies. Bérénice left for Angers (Maine-et-Loire) after the baccalaureate to integrate the higher school of farmers. She obtained her diploma as an agricultural engineer in animal production in September 2023.

She passed on her passion to her parents

Today, while the 24 year old young woman took the direction ofAuxerrein L’Yonneto work in a veterinary medicine research center, she continues her breeding activity.

“I had the chance to pass on my passion to my parents who follow me. »

Bérénice still competes, now, on the classic cycle circuit in order to promote horses having between 4 and 6 years old.

Golf, Bérénice’s second sport

The one whose friends describe her as hyperactive also plays golf. “I did quite a bit in Sablé when I was little. I gave up golf for a bit when I got serious about competing in horse riding. To the great despair of my father who is a golfer,” smiles Bérénice.

But she got back into it and started competing again last year.

She will carry the Olympic flame to Chailland

Bérénice’s daily work to progress and develop her breeding has undoubtedly caught the attention of the organizing committee for the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

She was able to stand out among nearly 100,000 candidates. A few weeks ago, the young woman learned that she would carry the flame in the small town of character of Chaillandin Mayenne, the Wednesday May 29.

Bérénice is summoned to 12:20 p.m. for a briefing before carrying out his relay around 1:20 p.m..

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