Pro D2 – Béziers offers Brive and a semi-final at the end of a crazy match

Pro D2 – Béziers offers Brive and a semi-final at the end of a crazy match
Pro D2 – Béziers offers Brive and a semi-final at the end of a crazy match

These Biterrois have not finished surprising us. At the end of a match with a stunning scenario, they won the right to challenge Vannes next Friday and continue their crazy season.

Penalties in all directions

A final phase match is never a match like any other. The players in this meeting were perfectly aware of this at the kick-off. In a very rhythmic first period, it was first the Biterrois who opened the scoring thanks to a penalty from Marques. For 20 minutes, the two teams passed the ball back and forth and after three penalties on each side, the Brivists finally led 9-6 after 25 minutes.

Nothing to worry about the ASBH players who, after a superb collective action, managed to find a shift from right to left. Lorre transmitted to Pauto in the closed zone which allowed his team to score the first try of the game.

And when they thought they had done the hardest part, the Biterrois conceded a try on a good ball at the foot of Carbonneau to find Bonneval. Thanks to a good rebound, the three-quarter wing brought his team back in front. Following a yellow card from Krone, Béziers took the lead again one minute from the siren. But just after the latter, Raffy, very in shape, decided to try the drop. From 35 meters out, the flyhalf scored his first drop of the season to allow his team to lead by three points at the break.

Nkinsi savior on the gong

The Biterrois would not take long to react. After only four minutes of play in the second half, Marques’ partners managed to get back in front thanks to their numerical superiority. In the closed area, Pauto used his speed to find Plazy.

In the rest of the match, a new penalty game followed. The Brivists were going to score four penalties taking advantage of the ASBH’s numerous scrum mistakes. Reduced to 14 and trailing, the Biterrois had no other choice but to take risks. Five minutes from time, Béziers decided to play the ball from his side. At the end of an action lasting more than four minutes, Nkinsi took advantage of Malie’s work to put his team back in the right direction. The man in form this evening, Samuel Marques, was responsible for converting the try to give his team the victory.

The captain savored this victory at the end of the meeting on Canal +: “It’s a city that lives for rugby. We owed them that. We will continue our journey to continue to be the surprise of this championship.”



NEXT Memorial Cup: Owen Beck and the Spirit head to the final, dominating Moose Jaw 7 to 1