Accused of rape, Mbappé speaks of consensual relationship – La Nouvelle Tribune

Kylian Mbappéthe French football star, finds himself at the center of a controversy following his stay in Stockholm between October 8 and 11. A rape investigation has been opened by Swedish prosecutors, but the circumstances of the case remain unclear. According to information reported by The Parisian and confirmed by RMC Sportthe player would have had a sexual relationship with a young woman, which he considers to be consensual.

According to information published by The ParisianMbappé would have in his possession elements attesting to this version of the facts. Among this evidence, messages sent by the young woman shortly after their meeting seem, according to the terms reported, to recount a mutually appreciated experience. These exchanges “with a very positive tone” would suggest that the relationship took place in a climate of shared consent, reinforcing Mbappé’s certainty that he is not involved in a rape case.

However, the investigation by the Swedish public prosecutor’s office continues, without any names being formally mentioned at this stage. The Swedish media, for their part, directly name Mbappé as the person targeted by this investigation. Several sources, including tabloids The evening paper et The Expressas well as the public channel SVT, report that the player is at the center of the investigations, adding a new layer of mystery to this case.

Faced with these allegations, Mbappé quickly reacted on social networks, denouncing “fake news”. His lawyer, Maître Marie-Alix Canu-Bernard, reiterated this position, affirming that his client was calm because he had “nothing to reproach himself for”. She also indicated her intention to file a complaint for slanderous denunciation, emphasizing the impossibility for her client to allow such accusations to circulate without reacting.

In this context, Mbappé’s defense is mainly based on the fact that no direct element links the complainant to the messages he received after the meeting. However, despite these elements in its favor, the investigation continues, and the mystery remains as to the identity of the complainant and the exact details of the events which took place in Stockholm. For the moment, neither the Swedish prosecutor’s office nor the investigators have commented publicly on the progress of this case.



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