Michel Therrien is angry with Martin St-Louis: a personal revenge

Clearly, Michel Therrien never misses an opportunity to send a public arrow to Martin St-Louis.

This time again, the former head coach of the Montreal Canadiens took advantage of a public platform (TVA Sports) to openly denigrate his mental enemy, fueling the controversy and recalling the tensions between the two men.

This growing animosity seems to find its roots not only in a difference of approach, but also in a personal grudge from Therrien, frustrated to see that Quebec adores St-Louis, where he has never managed to conquer the hearts of the supporters .

In his last comment on the match lost against Pittsburgh, Therrien did not fail to express his disgust at the Canadian’s lack of preparation:

“The team was not ready, neither physically nor mentally.” (credit: TVA Sports)

He then proclaimed the importance of bouncing back quickly against the Los Angeles Kings:

“It’s now that we will see the true colors of the team.”

Therrien criticized St-Louis for not picking up its players at a press conference. According to “Michou”, it was the perfect time to send a message by publicly criticizing his players.

Remember that last season, attention was turned to the management of Josh Anderson that Therrien took out. He had criticized the excessive indulgence of St. Louis towards its country club and especially Anderon.

“I’ve been saying for a long time that there have to be consequences with Anderson. You can’t be disengaged without there being sanctions.”

For Therrien, this stubborn protection of Anderson by St-Louis was an affront to the ethics and discipline that he himself advocated as a coach.

He even greeted Maxim Lapierre, who suggested relegating Anderson to the stands:

“Excellent idea! St. Louis protected him like he was untouchable.”

Therrien even hit the nail on the head by mocking the supporters:

“Anderson finally scores in an empty net in his 24th game and everyone waves! Rarely seen something like this!”

Not only does Therrien criticize the work of St-Louis, but he also ridicules the fans, whom he considers too “soft” towards the new coach.

Deep down, Therrien’s resentment against St-Louis lies between envy and frustration

The insistence with which Therrien attacks St-Louis betrays a resentment that will not go away.

We feel a deep frustration in him at having been replaced by a coach who, despite his inexperience, benefits from the sympathy of the public.

Where Therrien was often perceived as an old-school and uninspiring coach, St-Louis is seen as an inspired leader, close to his players and the public.

This popular affection seems to be a thorn in Therrien’s side, incapable of accepting that Quebec has sided with the man he envies and hates at the same time.

Resentment became a driving force for Therrien.

Each new release from Therrien seems indicative of a desire for personal revenge.

He systematically criticizes St-Louis’ decisions, pointing out the lack of discipline or too gentle management of the players.

But the more he attacks, the more the gap widens between him and an organization that has decided to move forward with St-Louis at the helm.

The media and the public know it: the clash between St-Louis and Therrien is only just beginning. St-Louis, true to his temperament, has so far refused to respond to Therrien’s criticisms.

But how much longer will he remain silent?

We dream of the day that a verbal or media confrontation will bring out the animosity between the two men in front of everyone.

One thing is certain: Therrien will continue to express his resentment as long as he has a microphone.

As for St-Louis, he will have to prove that his gentle method can produce results, otherwise Therrien’s criticisms will find a growing echo among the public.

The duel is on, and Montreal is following this saga closely. We put a little two on St-Louis.



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