when Aurélie B. defrauded her ex-footballer boyfriend

when Aurélie B. defrauded her ex-footballer boyfriend
when Aurélie B. defrauded her ex-footballer boyfriend

By Rozenn Morgat

1 hour ago,

updated 31 minutes ago


Suspected of having embezzled 100 million euros from the ready-to-wear group, the suspect stole several thousand euros from this football player by making checks and transfers from his account.

They met during an evening in , where Aurélie B. lived at the time. The woman who is today suspected of having embezzled 100 million euros within the Kiabi group defrauded her ex-partner, a French football player, whose life she shared for three years. The woman who is now in pre-trial detention made checks and transfers in her name to her own account, we learned Le Figaro from a source close to the case.

In total, at least 680,000 euros would have been stolen from the former attacker, according to our colleagues at Parisian . Given the player’s notoriety, the dispute was the subject of a very discreet amicable settlement between lawyers, giving rise to a partial recovery by Aurélie B. of the embezzled sums, our source specifies.

At this time, the young woman and the player enter into a long-distance romantic relationship, since the latter has just joined a foreign club. The one who works within the Cultura group in Mérignac makes regular trips back and forth to visit her boyfriend.

Amicable settlement

“His salary was then around 400,000 euros per month, he led a substantial lifestyle, including jet trips. And Aurélie B. accompanied him on weekends”details a source close to the matter. The player does not appear in public with her, however. “It was an open romantic relationship, they did not live together. And she was never presented as his official companion as was the case for his current wife.continues this source. “It was only years later, through his entourage, that he realized that he had been defrauded, and that a procedure between lawyers was put in place.”

During this, Aurélie B. first puts forward a series of arguments to explain this theft. She thus asserted at the time that the player’s luxurious lifestyle led her into a vicious financial spiral, well beyond what her salary at Cultura allowed. “But in truth, she tasted a life of luxury and glitter, and couldn’t bring herself to live without it.”this source believes. “Since the affair, he has never had any contact with her.”




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