Corporate life: sport, an underestimated HR lever?

Corporate life: sport, an underestimated HR lever?
Corporate life: sport, an underestimated HR lever?

Very widespread among the population, the practice of sport is increasingly integrating business habits. Thanks to the values ​​it conveys, sport, especially when practiced in a collective context, has often proven to be an excellent way to defuse conflicts between colleagues, to strengthen team collaboration, and even to promote the company elsewhere than in its preferred field. All these dimensions of sporting activity were at the heart of a round table of the Cercle des ÉCO.

Reduction of stress, improvement of well-being, reduction of the risk of cardiovascular diseases, etc., the benefits of sport for the human body are well known. In a context where competitiveness and employee well-being are becoming major concerns for companies, there is an increasing question of how the benefits of sport could boost human capital, and in turn, serve the culture of business.

It is this problem that brought together an audience of experts from the Cercle des ECO. Around Moulay Ahmed Belghiti, editor-in-chief of Inspirations ECO, were present: Samya Elkyas, marketing and development director at Sofac Crédit & Leasing, Youssef Boujlid, president of the corporate sports commission within the Moroccan Federation of Sports Professionals, Tarik Slaoui, member of the CGEM CSR and diversity commission, Mourad Benhammacht, director of human capital at Sothema, and Dominique Dumoulin, director of human resources at Renault Group. The theme of their meeting: “Sport in business, a winning lever for HR strategy”.

A tool serving people and corporate culture
It was a question, initially, of drawing up an inventory of the practice of sport in business. The speakers were unanimous in the observation of a significant evolution in the way in which organizations perceive the well-being of their employees and its impact on the overall performance of the company. The introduction of sport thus responds to several key issues that organizations face, in Morocco as elsewhere.

In a professional world that is often stressful and sedentary, encouraging sports practice makes it possible to combat a sedentary lifestyle, reduce the risk of chronic diseases and improve the mental health of employees. From an organizational point of view, corporate sport has the advantage of strengthening team spirit and cohesion within work teams.

By promoting collective sporting activities, more and more companies in Morocco are seeking to create an environment free from the weight of hierarchy, which makes it possible to break down barriers and facilitate exchanges. So much so that the implementation of a sports policy has become, in many cases, a human resources management imperative. By offering popular sporting activities, companies can improve their attractiveness as employers, attract and retain talent, while strengthening employee engagement and motivation.

Vector of inclusiveness and performance
Among the advantages of corporate sport noted by the speakers, inclusion and diversity were also discussed, because practicing sport offers everyone the opportunity to participate, regardless of their skill level, origin or gender. .

By encouraging the participation of all employees, regardless of their differences, sport strengthens the feeling of belonging to the company community while helping to promote the diversity of talents and perspectives.

By building team cohesion, sport promotes collaboration and creativity, which can lead to better problem solving and increased operational efficiency.

In addition, practicing sport in the workplace can strengthen the company’s brand image, positioning it as an employer concerned about the well-being of its employees and their personal development.

Important challenges
The benefits of sport in the workplace are proven, but the challenges to democratizing this practice are numerous. Starting with the question of the availability of resources and infrastructure necessary for sports practice.

Not all companies have the financial or logistical means to set up spaces dedicated to sport or to organize regular sporting activities. Then there is the challenge of employee engagement. Although many companies offer sports activities, it can sometimes be difficult to motivate all employees to participate on a regular basis.

Some may be reluctant due to time constraints, lack of interest, or health concerns. Finally, there is the question of evaluating the real impact of corporate sport on organizational performance. Measuring the tangible benefits of sport in the workplace, such as increased productivity or reduced absenteeism, can be complex and often requires specific evaluation tools and appropriate performance indicators. So many projects to invest in, but also development avenues to explore and exploit to make sport a powerful HR management tool in Morocco.

Faiza Rhoul / ECO Inspirations



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