David Savard’s words resonate all the way to Los Angeles

Drew Doughty is on the sidelines, and the Los Angeles Kings find themselves without their defensive leader.

It’s the kind of injury that can change a season. And in the chaos, one name naturally emerges: David Savard.

For what? Because he’s everything the Kings are looking for right now: a guy who can take important minutes, calm things down, and above all, not lose his head when things get complicated.

Savard said it himself this morning: the important thing is to “cut time in the defensive zone and spend more time in the offensive zone.”

With the absence of Doughty, this is exactly what the Kings need: someone who will transform long presences in their zone into quick transitions.

No need for big offensive bursts, just a reliable guy who understands the defensive intricacies of the game.

Savard showed this intelligence all week, explaining that although “all the guys here were offensive players at one time or another”at this level, it is in defense that you earn your place.

He knows it better than anyone, because he’s been there. As he confided this morning, he proves his value not by scoring goals, but by sacrificing himself to avoid conceding any.

“It’s in matches where you don’t score that you have to prove your worth by not costing the team goals.”

And that’s exactly the type of mentality the Kings need right now. Not a savior, but a guy who will prevent slippage in the defensive zone.

With Savard, the Kings would have this guarantee that, regardless of opposing pressure, he will be there to break the game and restart cleanly.

This is what he demonstrated with the Lightning when they won the Cup in 2021. We must not forget that he was used in all critical situations – on the penalty kill, to block shots, to calm the play in the final minutes of a close game.

This morning he also spoke about the importance of “block shots” and avoid forcing the game.

This kind of mentality, the Kings are sorely lacking with the absence of Doughty.

Savard is ready to sacrifice his body for the team. He knows he may not score 30 points this year, but he is capable of making his team allow 30 fewer goals.

Then, he also has this veteran attitude who can mentor young defenders, as he did with the Canadian’s prospects in Montreal.

When he says “you have to find a role, the coaches have to trust you,” he knows what he’s talking about.

Brandt Clarke and Jordan Spence are loaded with talent, but without a guy like Savard alongside them, things could quickly become unmanageable.

He can teach them to read the game, to make the right choices, to be patient when the pressure is on.

Ultimately, Marc Bergevin knows very well what Savard can offer.

He was the one who brought him back to Montreal and, let’s be honest, Bergevin could easily pick up the phone and tell Rob Blake: “We have what you need.”

Because Savard is not just a defensive veteran. He is a mentor, a stabilizer.

A guy who understands that“you have to know how to stand out so that the coaches trust you”, and who will help the Kings navigate this difficult period. Doughty or not, with Savard, LA can avoid collapsing.

If this morning he implied that he was ready to do anything for the team by talking about the importance of “sacrifice everything to block shots”he could very well transport this mentality to the Californian sun.

With Doughty out, the Kings desperately need this type of player. A guy who, even in the shadows, will give everything to ensure that his team gets out of trouble.

So, Los Angeles, it’s time to get moving. Savard is there, ready to come on board and provide that stability that you miss so much. Because right now, “it doesn’t matter which line-up is opposite,” what matters is proving that the team can hold the fort.

Savard is ready to do it, no matter where.

In Montreal or elsewhere.

To be continued



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