Report on Mali’s participation in the 15th “Génies en Herbe OHADA” International Competition, Abidjan, September 2024

Report on Mali’s participation in the 15th “Génies en Herbe OHADA” International Competition, Abidjan, September 2024
Report on Mali’s participation in the 15th “Génies en Herbe OHADA” International Competition, Abidjan, September 2024

Arriving in Abidjan on September 7, 2024, the Malian delegation was welcomed at the Félix Houphouët Boigny International Airport and taken to the CRAO located at the Opéra crossroads in the heart of Abidjan, designated CIGHO Village of the 15th edition. The organizing commission headed by Me Bérenger AWANAProject Manager of the edition specially welcomed the Malian delegation composed of Mr. DEMBELE the manMiss Kadidiatou KONATEM. Adama MARA (Candidates), of the former laureate M. Toumani SISSOKO (Framer) and Mamou TANGARA (National Coordinator).

On Monday, September 9, 2024, the official opening ceremony took place in the CREAO-UEMOA amphitheater marking the start of the activities of the 15th edition of the Génies en Herbe OHADA International Competition. This ceremony which brought together the Ivorian legal community amazed the public who came for the occasion. Were present in addition to the 16 participating States, Maître Bérenger AWANAProject Manager of the 15th edition, Doctor Pierre Olivier LOBEPresident of the International Committee of Genius in Grass OHADA (CIGHO), Master Théophile Gautier HIOM IIrepresenting the president of the CCJA, Ms. Esther NGO MOUTNGUI IKOUE. Also present at this opening ceremony were the Mayor of the Municipality of Bingerville, Mr. Issouf DOUMBIAthe President of the Order of Lawyers of Côte d’Ivoire, Master Claude MENTENONthe President of the Association of Young Lawyers of Côte d’Ivoire and Master Leon-Paul BOTO.

After the various interventions, followed the presentation of the competition by the Scientific Director, Mr. Godwin THE LORD and the parade of the different participating teams. The Malian delegation, in large boubou and loincloth sewn in traditional style, made their exit to the music of the Maestro Salif KEITA dedicated to Africa.

Draw and Elimination Phases : On instructions from the international committee and after drawing lots, the teams were deployed in four groups respectively dedicated to Ivorian cities. ABIDJAN – DALOA – KORHOGO and BOUAKE in which the Mali team was located with Gabon, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Chad as opponents. At the end of these qualifying events, Mali and Gabon qualified for the quarter-finals, facing Ivory Coast and Burkina Faso. In the quarter-final, Mali won against Côte d’Ivoire and qualified for the semi-final. It should be remembered that the elimination and quarter-final phases took place at the Institut Universitaires d’Abidjan (IUA) from September 11 to 12. The traditional scientific meeting (international conference) took place at the same location on the theme: “Ohadian dialogues between law and numbers”. It was Friday September 13, 2024 in collaboration with the Order of Chartered Accountants of Côte d’Ivoire (OEC-CI).

The Semi-Finals and the Grand Final : The semi-finals took place in the courtrooms of the Court of First Instance and the Court of Appeal of Abidjan located in the Plateau administrative district. The semi-finals pitted Mali against Burkina Faso and Benin against Senegal. Very tense outings which saw Burkina-Faso fall against Mali and Senegal which ended up bowing to Benin. As a reproduction of the final of the 14th edition, Mali and Benin found themselves again in the final of the 15th edition of the “Génies en Herbe OHADA” International Competition. On Saturday September 14, 2024, the Common Court of Justice and Arbitration (CCJA) of OHADA hosted the grand final which for the second consecutive time pitted our team, the Eagles of Mali, and the Cheetahs of Benin against each other. After the written tests on Multiple Choice Questions, African Integration, the Relay Quiz and Who Am I, the jury chaired by Mr. Magloire Théophile KOUADIOformer candidate in the competition, magistrate in Guinea, announced the results with around twenty points ahead for Benin over Mali. The second test relating to the pleadings was also to the advantage of the Benin team. Mali was declared vice-champion of the 15th edition of the “Génies en Herbe OHADA” International Competition following the official closing remarks of the edition delivered by the President of the CCJA, Madame Esther NGO MOUTNGUI ép. IKOUE. It should be remembered that Madam President of the CCJA was elevated to the status of Honorary Member of the CIGHO by the President of the International Committee, Dr. Pierre Olivier LOBE.

Prize giving and Excursion : The evening of September 14, 2024 was dedicated to the presentation of awards to the winners in the sublime Restaurant Chez Laure. The Awards Evening had the honor of welcoming the Director General of the Higher Regional School of Magistracy (ERSUMA), Doctor Karel DOGUEwho reaffirmed OHADA’s institutional support for the Competition, indicating that this support will take a financial form for future editions. Thus, Mali was ranked vice-champion of the 15th edition, the Silver Pleader prize as well as the KOUACOU Aya Rebecca Prize for the Best Candidate were won by Miss Kadidiatou KONATE from Mali. The prizes consisted of trophies for the team, ten books, two trophies and several other gifts for Miss Kadidiatou KONATE. The BINI Domain served as a setting to host the excursion for the 15th edition, this moment of relaxation allowed the different candidates to surpass the emotion of the competition.

Return of the delegation : The Malian delegation took its return flight on Monday September 17, 2024 at Félix Houphouët Boigny international airport around 1 p.m. to return to Bamako. On her arrival, she was greeted with joy by parents and former winners. It should be remembered that another delegation led by Mr. Aliou OUSMANEa former candidate, also made the trip to support the team.

Thanks : Our sincere thanks to UNIDA and its president, Ms. Fatou SECK DIALLOpartners from French cooperation services, the departments of higher education and justice, the OHADA National Commission of Mali, the rectorate of the USJPB of Pr Paul TRAOREmembers and supporters of the OHADA-U/MALI Club and former winners. We also thank the international CIGHO committee of Dr Pierre Olivier LOBEI apologize to Dr Mohamed GAKOUthe Dofini Consult de Me firms Alifa Habib KONE who made the trip and Diop and Associates of Me Allassane DIOP and to all those who contributed directly or indirectly to Mali’s participation in the 15th edition of CIGHO.

For more information you can contact :

M. Mamou TANGARANational Coordinator

Email : [email protected]



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