the player says a little more

the player says a little more
the player says a little more


Thomas Corbet

Published on

Sep 25, 2024 at 6:30 AM

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A fan of a total game where his players must be comfortable in all situations, Stade Toulousain coach Ugo Mola had mentioned at the start of the season the possibility of seeing several of his protégés play in positions other than their own. Questioned by The Team, Antoine Dupont confided in a possible passage to the center.

Antoine Dupont in the center: he says more

We’ve obviously seen him play a lot at scrum-half, and he’s widely regarded as the best in the world in that position. We’ve also seen him more than comfortable at fly-half. And to be honest, we have absolutely no trouble imagining him anywhere else in the three-quarter line.

Questioned on the subject during the Nuit du Rugby, Antoine Dupont did not completely rule out the possibility: “It’s a discussion that we had some time ago. I’m curious in everyday life and on the field.”

An experience that is not current

The door is not closed to see Antoine Dupont one day play with the number 12 or number 13 under the jersey. However, the number 9 wants to temper: “I try to move and find other freedoms, even if I already have a lot. From there to it materializing in a match, I think we are not there yet…”

Before addressing a little joke to his coach: “Ugo likes to talk with the media and answer questions. You shouldn’t always listen to him. There is something to take and something to leave in what he says. With the objectives at club level and the French team, I will already have enough to manage.”

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