INTERVIEW. Amateur Rugby Trophies in Lot-et-Garonne: “It’s a very popular celebration”, assures the president of the departmental committee

INTERVIEW. Amateur Rugby Trophies in Lot-et-Garonne: “It’s a very popular celebration”, assures the president of the departmental committee
INTERVIEW. Amateur Rugby Trophies in Lot-et-Garonne: “It’s a very popular celebration”, assures the president of the departmental committee

the essential
This Thursday, September 26, at the Espace François-Mitterrand in Boé, the evening of the third edition of the Amateur Rugby Trophies will take place, organized by the Groupe La Dépêche du Midi and the departmental rugby committee of Lot-et-Garonne.

This is an unmissable event for rugby in Lot-et-Garonne. This Thursday evening, the Amateur Rugby Trophies, organized by the Groupe La Dépêche du Midi, are making their grand return. Before this event, where several players and clubs from the department will be crowned, Jean-Marc Garin, president of the departmental committee, speaks at length.

What is your assessment of the past sporting year?

The results are quite positive for the Federal clubs. The 4 Cantons-BHAP and Villeneuve are moving up. There is only the descent of Bon-Encontre Boé to Federal 3. For the rest, it is still stable. Everyone is maintaining their Federal level. In the Regional, we did not have the results of the previous season. There were fewer qualifiers and fewer teams that participated in the French championships. Among the youngsters, we should note a good progression from the -16 to -19. They had a good run in Aquitaine. What is also very good is the development of women’s rugby. The SUA Cadettes were French champions. There are also two Aquitaine champion teams. Women’s rugby represented the department well.

And, in terms of licensees, where are we in Lot-et-Garonne?

We are back to 6,200 – 6,300 members like ten years ago. There is progress. It is not the World Cup that brought us members. There is a big progression among women and in the small categories. Out of 32 clubs, we have 24 rugby schools. In the minors, we presented five more teams. What also helps is that we hired a development agent. He did a good job with the CTCs. This gives more confidence to the educators. The meetings on training were better followed. It is bearing fruit. The clubs are responding.

“The best players must come to

You were talking about women’s rugby. How is this development reflected?

Quite a few teams have been created with 10 players. We have a good little departmental championship. Women’s rugby is really developing in Lot-et-Garonne.

Does the SUA’s desire to recreate a senior team, even if it will be in agreement at first, reassure you?

Yes, logic dictates that Agen should have a high-level women’s team. It will perhaps be harder work, because the clubs in the suburbs of Agen need to get along well. With a good project, this can happen. We need to communicate. The best players must come to Agen. This is where there are the most resources and the highest level. Every year, players leave because of their level and their studies. Agen is not , nor or … But, when you look at the girls who have been French champions in the last two seasons, 80% have been through the departmental selections. Some are also in the French team, like Kiara Zago or Assia Khalfaoui. There is also Aëlig Tregouet who has reached a milestone this year.

Another discipline that is booming is rugby 7s. Do you feel it?

Yes, rugby sevens is also developing. We recently had a meeting with educators from the under-16s to under-19s. The aim would be to promote this discipline. There will be dates to participate in the Aquitaine championship. We will try to make a selection representing the department. We will first bring together the teams by sector. There will be Agenais, Marmandais, Albret and Haut-Agenais. In the end, we will keep twenty players per category to have groups that hold up.

“It’s up to us to find partners”

On the contrary, is the committee encountering any difficulties?

These are not difficulties. But the problem we encounter is that we have less aid than before. Before, when there was the Périgord-Agenais committee, we received more aid than today. There are more actions carried out, we spend more, and it is up to us to find partners to survive. The funding goes from the Federation to the Leagues. The Region gives to the League but… We are losing out. All the departmental committees in are losing a little financially. We don’t have much to help us.

How to combat this problem?

We just took a BPJEPS (Professional Certificate in Youth, Popular Education and Sport). He will work on sport and approach partners. We have about ten partners, but there are no large sums. It is difficult, because we are the rugby school. It is not flashy. It is more by affinities that people help us.

Should we be worried?

No, not at all. We have reserves. We have a budget of 100,000 or 110,000 euros. We’ll pass. The Department helps us, the ANS (National Sports Agency) too… But we would like to have a few more partners to help us with the new actions.

“There will be sanctions”

In terms of assistance, we imagine that it is difficult to find educators…

It’s definitely getting tough. Training costs 300 euros. But above all, what’s most difficult is the parents’ behaviour on the sidelines. We’re going to take action. We saw it at the Vaccari tournament in Nérac last weekend. If some could push their child to score a try, they would… It’s a big problem.

What can be done to counter this?

We will make a charter telling the presidents and the heads of the rugby school to be strict. Parents must stay on the sidelines. They have no place on the field. People sometimes think they can do whatever they want. On some fields, there is difficult behavior. Afterwards, on others, people respect. The clubs must be made responsible, and there will be sanctions. It will be a federal charter, and it will therefore be the commission that will decide on the sanctions. This will be done based on the report of the departmental representative.

Coming back to the Amateur Rugby Trophies, what do you think?

This is a very nice initiative. It is the departmental celebration of all the clubs in Lot-et-Garonne. There are the volunteers highlighted. We don’t talk about them very much. There is also the fact of rewarding players with qualities. They have a contribution and are recognized by their club. At the same time, we also reward our clubs that have won titles during the departmental championships. It is a celebration very much appreciated by the presidents. I am a little disappointed with those who did not respond. We reminded them however… It is the club that deprives itself of the evening and does not have a volunteer rewarded.

“Having quite a few qualified clubs!”

This year, with Daniel Dubroca, there will be one hell of a sponsor…

He was captain of the French XV! He is the image of Lot-et-Garonne rugby that is recognized. He left his mark on rugby and the SUA in its heyday.

If you had to keep one image from the past season, what would it be?

There was the title in Marmande for the M13 and M14. It was our first double. The M15 girls finished fourth. In the evening, we brought together all the parents of the three categories in Aiguillon. It was a great evening. There were 300 people. It was very pleasant, and the feedback from the parents was also very good.

What can we wish for the season that has just started?

The wish is to have a lot of qualified clubs. I think that there are not enough club projects. We look elsewhere, while there are a lot of good young people at home. We need to do projects internally. Young people are arriving, we must not forget them, because I would find that a shame. All the clubs train experienced educators who know the club. We need to take advantage of that.



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