Jegou-Auradou case: “No more muscular strength”, referral to a commission of inquiry… The complainant speaks again

Jegou-Auradou case: “No more muscular strength”, referral to a commission of inquiry… The complainant speaks again
Jegou-Auradou case: “No more muscular strength”, referral to a commission of inquiry… The complainant speaks again

The complainant spoke in Le Parisien on Sunday afternoon. She spoke of her still fragile physical condition and her ongoing fight to “give herself more peace of mind”.

While Oscar Jegou and Hugo Auradou left Argentina and ’s second row has resumed trainingthe complainant who accuses them of aggravated rape does not want to leave it there. In an interview with Le Parisienthe mother of two children particularly mentions her physical condition. At the time of filing the complaint, on July 7, the forensic report noted fifteen injuries on her body.”I still suffer from it today she confides. I was told I needed at least sixty rehabilitation sessions. My knees hurt so bad I can’t squat or stand for very long. I have no muscle strength left in my legs.

The complainant will refer the matter to a Commission on Constitutional Rights and Guarantees

The 39-year-old woman confirms that she was very drunk at the time of the events, on the night of July 6 to 7, just like the two players. She admits to being socially isolated since the beginning of the affair.I am demoralized, anxious she adds in the interview. I suffer from panic attacks, I have nightmares every night, I wake up crying and screaming. I don’t sleep anymore. My life stopped on July 7, 2024. My two children are my only driving force, the only reason I’m still alive.

Visibly still very marked physically and psychologically, the complainant remains combative, despite the threat of a dismissal. She announces that she will appear before the Commission of Rights and Constitutional Guarantees of the Legislative Assembly of the province of Mendoza, on Thursday, September 26.I demand truth and transparency she assures. I want this commission to analyse the way in which justice has worked.“To date, the courts have not yet ruled on the request for dismissal by the lawyers of Oscar Jegou and Hugo Auradou.



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