“We were at his place”: Didier Roustan’s last trip, the details revealed by a legendary friend present

By Bertrand Bielle | Journalist

Curious by nature, Bertrand is always on the lookout for the slightest little scoop. Passionate about football, he is never far from the round ball and all the news that comes from it. However, the events of showbiz or politics are also part of his preferred journalistic research.

Didier Roustan’s memory was paid tribute one last time this Friday, September 20, at his funeral in . A great and famous friend of the journalist was present, and confided in our colleagues at “-Matin”.

“We were at his place”: Didier Roustan’s final journey, the details of the tribute revealed by a legendary friend

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Didier Roustan died, during the night of Tuesday 10 to Wednesday 11 September, from liver cancer. He was 66 years old… He was a figure on television, as a sports journalist, his favourite sport being of course football. He worked at TF1, where he directed Telefoothe later joined Canal+, before landing a few years later on the L’Equipe channel. This Friday, September 20, it was time to say goodbye to him one last time, on the occasion of his funeral, which took place in Cannes, the city where he grew up.

His partner Louise, reunited with the mother of his children, Charlotte and Dimitri, was present. Elegant and sober, dressed all in black, his daughter Charlotte seemed particularly marked. Football stars and friends of Didier Roustan also made the trip, such as Daniel Bravo, Johan Micoud, Claude Leroy, Basile Boli and Luis Fernandez.

Arsène Wenger shocked by the death of Didier Roustan

Not forgetting Arsène Wenger, the former Arsenal coach, with whom he set up an association, Foot Citoyen, in 2003. He also spoke after the ceremony for Nice-Matin, in front of the Notre Dame des Pins church. Returning to this final tribute: “OWhen we were at his house, we felt a special warmth, which reflects well what Didier was. A warm man, as has been pointed out, human, with extreme generosity. So I think that people accompanied him with what he was. These were very touching testimonies. Obviously, we are all very shocked. But it is a testimony worthy of what he was.“A video in which we can also see the arrival of the coffin at the church.

As a reminder, Arsène Wenger was unaware of Didier Roustan’s state of health. He had testified for The Parisian : “I had no idea he was sick. When you read that on your phone, it’s 40 years of friendship that are disintegrated in one message, it’s very difficult. It’s a big shock. All the people who love football are sad today. We were touched by his sincerity, his generosity, his vision of football and his creative and marginal side of seeing things in today’s football..” A poignant statement.



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