Stade Toulousain: two key returns to the ranks before the Top 14 match in

Stade Toulousain: two key returns to the ranks before the Top 14 match in
Stade Toulousain: two key returns to the Toulouse ranks before the Top 14 match in Montpellier

the essential
The rugby players from the Ville Rose, who have won two of their Top 14 matches so far, trained on Tuesday 17 September on the annexes of the Ernest-Wallon stadium.

Anthony Jelonch finally sees the light at the end of the tunnel. The third row who was seriously injured on January 21st in the right knee against Bath (rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament) is close to the goal. 24th man Sunday September 15th against (35-27, 2nd day of Top 14), the Gersois could this time find a place on the match sheet, this Saturday 21st, during the trip to (2:30 p.m., 3rd day).

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Injured in the left knee a year earlier, in 2023, Anthony Jelonch has spent most of his time in the infirmary these last two seasons. But his ordeal finally seems to be coming to an end. This Tuesday, September 17, during the training session on the annex fields of the Ernest-Wallon stadium, it was a visibly fit Anthony Jelonch who showed up, joking with Clément Vergé in particular.

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Another major return for Toulouse: Peato Mauvaka. The international hooker had been absent since the start of the season, injured in training before the resumption of the Top 14. He too is a candidate for the match against the Héraultais.

Same situation for right pillar Joel Merkler, also affected at the start of the season. The Spanish international was present with the group this Tuesday.

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On the injured side, Cyril Baille and Alban Placines are still unavailable, as is Nepo Laulala. The New Zealand prop who has been suffering from a ruptured Achilles tendon since February has seen his big comeback delayed. The latter felt pain in a knee during his rehabilitation and underwent surgery which delayed his return.

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Finally, an assessment must be made at the end of the week on the state of health of Mathis Castro Ferreira. The young 3rd row (20 years old) had been injured in the face against in a preparation match, and had to undergo sinus surgery (fracture). The staff wishes to have more complete information in order to best support his recovery.

Note that Antoine Dupont, who had made a few appearances alongside his teammates in recent weeks, was not present this time. Still on vacation, he should return within two to three weeks.



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