DayFR Euro

the unstoppable trick to manage your budget and save as much as possible

Every month, the expenses are the same: rent, gas, insurance, food, phone bill. Add to that the birthday present for my darling, the restaurant with our best friend, and our unexpected doctor’s appointment. There, it’s done. The salary is there.

With the galloping inflation that has been imposed on us since 2020, it is becoming difficult to make real savings over the months. So to avoid ending up in the red, we are adopting the envelope method. Read us, we explain everything!

The envelope method: how does it work?

To manage your money masterfully, you start by analyzing your income and expenses. To do this, you buy un Kakebo (we’re talking about it right here), otherwise a simple notebook. Once done, we divide our money into categories at the beginning of each month: rent, food, leisure, vacations, health, etc. This is where envelopes come into play!

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On retire the desired amounts in cash when possibleand we put them in an envelope by category. We put €400 in food, €100 in leisure, €80 in petrol, €120 in insurance. And once done, we don’t touch anything! As soon as the envelope is empty, then the expenses are over.

The goal of this method is simple: to prevent yourself from spending more than you need to and to succeed in saving as much as possible. For this last point, the best thing is to realize a “savings” envelope and to slip in a few bills monthly, as well as the bills allocated to the variable costs of the previous month that we ultimately did not spend. And believe us: it works! Axelle and Emilie spent without counting, until they discovered the envelope method on TikTok. Today, they manage to save up to €400 per month, as they confided in the columns of Le Parisien.

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