It was Tiffany Henne in “Ici La Paillade” on France Bleu Herault yesterday who told us more about Jordan Ferri's lively exit after his red card on Sunday. Not content with leaving his teammates at 9, the one who wore (hopefully for the last time) the captain's armband found a way to hang on with his bench. And more particularly with the legend Vitorino Hilton.
According to our sources, the two men explained themselves in the locker room after the meeting and the exchange was heated. Moreover, the former Lyon player even timidly apologized afterwards. Apologies considered a little too light from the Brazilian's point of view.
No surprise, the speakers around the table were not kind to the one who accumulates this season. Last September, he had words directly with Olivier Nicollin, the latter accusing him of an altercation with supporters. He was even simply dismissed by Michel Der Zakarian at the end of the same month of September before the coach was dismissed from his position.
Jean-Louis Gasset is responsible, having placed him back at the center of the team and even giving him the armband where many expected to see him on the arm of the exemplary Becir Omeragic. We almost believed it during the match in Lyon but it is clear that the supporters felt the blow coming.
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