Photo d’illustration Loup d’Europe
Credit : Pixabay ambquinn
Change in the Tarn department. The prefecture indicates that the entire department is now classified as follows:
• five municipalities classified in circle 1 (proven predation). These are Albine, Marzens, Mazamet, Saint-Amans-Soult and Sauveterre.
• 82 municipalities in the south of the department, classified in circle 2 (areas where prevention actions are necessary due to the possible occurrence of wolf predation).
• All the rest of the department is classified in circle 3 (possible areas of geographical extension of the wolf).
According to the press release published this Monday, January 13, the most marked developments compared to the 2024 ranking are as follows:
- entry into circle 1 of the commune of Marzens
- the extension of circle 2 to several municipalities in Lauragais
- the passage in particular of Lacabarède from circle 1 to circle 2
- the passage of Lacaune, Moulin-Mage and Nages from circle 2 to circle 3
Aid is open to all goat or cattle breeders, provided they have enough animals.
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