Yacine Adli, AC Milan player and former Girondins de Bordeaux, was on Zach Nani's microphone to look back on his career. He recalled an anecdote shared with Jean-Louis Gasset about how to deal with downturns in the professional world. The answer is quite disconcerting.
“At this level, the demands are so high, there is so much performance stress, if you can call it stress, everyone has their own little trick to disconnect. For me, it's always been sugar. There are some who use other methods.
Little anecdote about this, when I was in Bordeaux, Jean-Louis Gasset came to see me and said: 'Adli, you will never be a great player.' (editor’s note: he imitates the voice of Jean-Louis Gasset). I ask why? He said to me: 'Because you don't drink alcohol. What are you going to do when you're in tough times? You have to get drunk to forget. You won't be able to forget!' It had an impact on me and my way of forgetting is a bit like sugar even though now I have the children, with them when you come home, you see them and you forget. With Jean-Louis Gasset, everything was about kindness. »
So even if during the holiday season, we have a good reason to raise our glass, let's not forget to do it in moderation so that the party remains beautiful.
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