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The mayor of Décines “worried” about the situation of OL

John Textor in discussions with Laurent Prud'homme (Photo by SEBASTIEN BOZON / AFP)

A privileged partner of OL, the city of Décines is closely following the difficulties encountered by the club in recent times. Laurence Fautra does not hide her concern.

She was perhaps one of the few to speak out publicly to denounce certain payment delays on the part of theOL version John Weaver. A few months ago, Laurence Will have to did not hesitate to admit that the club and its boss had taken a few extra months to pay these bills and in particular the 2023 property tax. It was the beginning of October and the situation did not necessarily improve at OL. The debt has increased and sanctions hover over Parc OL after the passage of the DNCG.

Added to this is a voluntary departure plan. The mayor of Décines is following this situation closely, even “if she doesn't want to interfere”as she declared to our colleagues at Lyon Mag. “It's worrying for the future. It's damaging for the people who have worked within this great company. We have a close partnership, because we manage in particular the arrival of supporters on the territory, the demonstrations. I hope that they will find finances, because the crux of the matter is finding money so that the club is in a more sustainable situation.”

Between Décines and OL, everything has not always been rosy, but Laurence Fautra has always praised the work of Jean-Michel Aulas. Since John arrived Weaverthe relationships are no longer the same and it is above all with Laurent Prud'homme that the mayor has discussions, sometimes more heated than others like during this story of bills. “What I explained to Laurent Prud'homme is that we have money flows with them. But that it is public money. And it is owed. We cannot stagger this debt and he is obliged to pay, if possible, within the necessary time limits. Meeting deadlines is often a complicated exercise for John Weaver


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